[Sep 7, 2019] "THE ARMY IN THE HANDS" '2019 (Russia, Moscow)


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A Fixture
Dec 17, 2012
Podolsk, Russia
10th Annual figures competition "THE ARMY IN THE HANDS"

The show will be held from 7th to 8th September, 2019 at the Center of Culture and Art
"MERIDIAN", Profsoyuznaya street 61, Moscow, Russia.

The competition is reserved for military and historical figures exclusively, of all scales and materials.
All pieces mast be register. For all participants free registration.
Everyone are register as many pieces as he wants. Any presentetation that shock the public not be accept during registration.

The registration takes place:
on Friday, September 6, 10:00 - 19:00
on Saturday. September 7, 10:00 - 13:00

Opening hours(free entry):
Saturday, September 7, 14:00 - 19:00
Sunday, September 8, 11:00-16:00

The result of the judging and presentation of the trophies will take place on Sunday
at 16:00. Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals and Certificates of Merit are awarded in
each of Competition Classes. The "Best of show" is chosen by combined
vote of judges.
Special trophies may be awardeed to coins that have received sponsor attention.

The resolution of the judges will be unappealable.

Closing: the figures can be recovered after awards ceremony, previous identification by its ouner with ticket given at the delivery of the figures.

Competition Classes:

Class 1: Scratch-built and converted figures up to 54mm size.
Class 2: Scratch-built and converted figures above 54mm size.
Class 3: Painted figures up to 54mm size.
Class 4: Painted figures above 54mm size.
Class 5: Flats figures. Painted single figures ore more flats figures, presented on plain backdrop.
Class 6: Sculpture. in this one, only the original sculpture unpainted.
Class 7: Juniors. Entrants mast be aged 16 or below on the day of show. Entires may be single figures, groups etc.
Class 8: Beginners.
Class 9: Dioramas and Vignettes. The dimensions of the baze not to exceed 60x30x30cm, because of avaiabele glass-case display space.
Class 10: Collector. This category for collectors were they can show some figures of theire collections.


Dear friends, we remind you that on September 7-8, the 10th anniversary exhibition-contest "Army in the palm of your hand" will be held at the Central Executive Committee "Meridian" in Moscow.
The organizers hope that the exhibition, as always, will attract the attention of lovers of the Military-historical miniature, will serve as a good occasion
Meet old friends and make new ones.

As at previous exhibitions, this year the organizers continue the tradition of meeting interesting people associated with the world of military-historical miniatures and military history. This time, participants and visitors of the exhibition will be able to meet with Andrei Breitfus, a master of flat miniature painting, a specialist in the history of the Nuremberg figurine, author of articles in the magazine "Tseikhauz" dedicated to Russian masters, who left their mark on the history of classical flat miniature.

This year the jury included:
Konnov Victor - chairman of the jury
Alekseev Vladimir
Bleskin Andrey
Bokarev Nikolay
Breitfus Andrey
Konovalchuk Pavel
Mikhailova Margarita
Strekalov Evgeny

Competition Exhibition Program

Friday September 6th
10:00 - 19:00 - Reception and registration of works at the exhibition

Saturday September 7th
10:00 - 13:00 - Reception and registration of works at the exhibition
14:00 - 19:00 - The exhibition is open to visitors
15:00 - Beginning of the work of the jury

Sunday September 8
11:00 - 16:00 - The exhibition is open to visitors
13:00 - Meeting with Andrey Breytfus
16:00 - Closing of the exhibition and award ceremony
winners of the competition.
17:00 - Exhibition dismantling

The organizers hope that the exhibitors and its visitors will spend these two days with interest and benefit.

For the convenience of participants, we place the “Registration Form”, which, if desired, can be printed (A4 format) and filled in advance.

Бланк регистрации.jpg
Some photos of figures from the exhibition


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Some more pics...:


BTW: The title of the show "Armija na Ladonij" ("Армия на ладони") means "Army In The Hands" - but it is consistently wrongly translated with "Army of the Palm"! "ладонь" (= "Ladon") means in Russian either "Hand" as well as "Palm"!)

This is the bane of Internet translation machines as well as the credulity of their users!

What sense should "Army of the Palm" have for a figure show ...?

Anyway - take a look at the pics is worth it!

The person using the translator wouldn't know the difference between Hand or Palm Martin which is why the translator is mistakenly trusted. I have to concede that if I were organising an international show I might seek a second opinion....LOL. Never mind, in the majority of cases it works OK and for non-linguists like myself is an indispensable tool.

I really should pay much more attention to this particular thread. I knew nothing about this show and would have loved to have gone?
The last time I was in Moscow was nearly 40 years ago. It's a wonderful city and the people are great (just like us Scots).
Recovered the entire cost of the trip by selling 2 pairs of Levis and a duffel coat on the 'black market'~