September 9, 1917


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Martin Antonenko

A Fixture
Jul 11, 2008
The Coup That Did Not Took Place ...

Petrograd (formerly Saint Petersburg) in September 1917!

A Bolshevik attempt at insurrection has just failed and Lenin disguised and fled to Finland with a wig and shaved beard...:


The uncertain "dual rule" of the social democrat Aleksandr Kerensky ...

... and the Bolshevik-dominated Workers 'and Soldiers' Council continues, there comes the next blow - this time from the right.

The newly appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army, General Lawr Georgiejewitsch Kornilow ...

... on September 9, 1917, orders his troops to march on Petrograd with the words:

“I accuse various members of the government of direct treason to the fatherland, which I have evidence of. ... The hour has come. ... I no longer submit to the Provisional Government and fight against it. "

According to the general's ideas, a military dictatorship is supposed to replace the Provisional Government of Mensheviks, Social Revolutionaries and bourgeois Cadets under Kerensky, to smash the workers 'and soldiers' councils and to destroy the Bolshevik party.

Kornilov is convinced that the troops will follow him - especially his core force, the Caucasian "Wild Division", which consists of Cossacks and members of the Caucasian hill tribe ...:

The British government also supports him and provides Kornilov with armored vehicles and drivers.

(So the question is who betrayed whom ...!)

While the Provisional Government of Prime Minister Aleksandr Kerensky remains inactive and is still hoping to find compromises with the putschists, the Petrograd workers are acting after a call by the Workers 'and Soldiers' Council.

Long queues form at the recruitment offices of the newly created Red Guard. Factory workers increase productivity to manufacture machine guns, cannons and ammunition for the Red Guards.

It is the founding hour of the armed "Red Guards"!

Railway workers also act and dismantle rails in order to block the railway line to Petrograd for the Kornilov troops.

Telegraph employees passed orders from Kornilov's headquarters directly to the Workers 'and Soldiers' Council and its military committee, in which the Bolsheviks hold a majority.

(So ​​one wonders whether Kerensky did not do anything because he did not receive precise information about Kornilov ...)

The chauffeur association provided vehicles to transport the Red Guards. In the struggle against the counterrevolution, the workers 'and soldiers' councils that had fallen asleep revived in the rear and at the front, and in many places new "committees for the defense of the revolution" were formed.

"The rebellious general had stamped his foot - and legions had emerged from the earth: But they were legions of the enemy," summed up Lev Trotsky later, who at that time was in the Peter- and Paul's Fortress in Petrograd was imprisoned.

Well, Trotsky is exaggerating - if Kornilov had really seriously started fighting, the dreaded "Wilde Division" would have ground the poorly trained Red Guards into powder ...

The sharpest weapon used by the Petrograd workers against Kornilov's troops, however, is agitation!

At every train station, at every station, Kornilov's soldiers are politically "processed" ...

The Workers 'and Soldiers' Council has come up with something very special for the Caucasian "Wild Division". A Muslim delegation is sent towards this unit, including the grandson of the famous Chechen freedom fighter against Russia, who is still highly respected in the Caucasus, Imam Shamil (1834 to 1859) ...

... listened to.

On this occasion the following photo was taken: In the middle stands Shamil's grandson Muhammad-Zakhid Shamil, who is also a leading representative of the newly founded "All-Russian Muslim Council", and officers of the "Wild Division" around him ...:

Thereupon the members of the "Wild Division" do not defer to the revolutionaries, but they signal to Kornilov very clearly that they do not want to conquer the Russian capital by force of arms.

Other Kornilov units, on the other hand, willingly line up under the red flag with the inscription "Land and Freedom" ...:

It seems important to me:

The troops submit to the Provisional Government - and not to the Workers' and Soldiers' Council or even to the Bolsheviks, as the Bolsheviks' falsifiers of history will later claim in the official history of the USSR.

On the whole front around Petrograd, Kornilov's troops fraternized with revolutionary workers and soldiers or withdrew voluntarily.

The Wilde Division does not fight, but remains loyal to Kornilov.

General Kornilov's attempted coup failed without a single shot being fired.

He simply lacked popular support.

It was not until the Kornilov putsch was repulsed that Kerensky moved to proclaim the republic on September 14th.
Kornilov and other coup officers are arrested by the Provisional Government, but never convicted. They are released quietly and secretly when they no longer seem dangerous ...

And in order to vote in favor of the Workers 'and Soldiers' Council, Kerensky will be forced to release Trotsky from prison on September 17th on bail of 3,000 rubles ...

After the October Revolution of the Bolsheviks, General Kornilov will lead the "Wild Division" on the side of the "Whites" into the civil war , become the first military commander-in-chief of the "White Army" ...

... and on April 13, 1918, during the battle for Jekatarinodar (today Krasnodar, in the Kuban region), they were hit by a grenade in his command post ...

Good post! Kerensky's memoirs are somewhat vague regarding this episode. Kornilov had been plotting insurrection for some time before he showed his hand, all the while professing support for the Provisional Government.

Kerensky's memoirs are somewhat vague regarding this episode
"Vague" is expressed very cautiously ...!

I have Kerensky's memoirs too, of course.

Unfortunately, one has to say that it is in the most exciting places in world history - literally! - lies like printed!
