Thanks for starting this topic and informing me about this forum. It’s nice meeting new hobbyists! I’m Stijn, the owner of miniNature and sculptor of the animals. It’s a hobby project, totally different than my day job, but it’s a great combination of my love for 3D modeling and animals. Great to see my work is appreciated!
@Scotty, sorry, I don't have Shetland Ponies yet.
Like it’s said above, it’s too bad Shapeways raised their prices. It’s a consideration between the fine detail plastic and the cheaper versatile plastic. The fine detail is described above, but the cheaper versatile could also be useful for some projects. This is a nylon based material, with a bit of a rough grainy surface, but still capturing a high detail. In my opinion this works good with the furry animals, because of the fur a rough surface fits.
The hole Balder was mentioning is found in nearly all larger scaled models of mine. To decrease printing costs by Shapeways, I make the models hollow, so the 3D printers need less material to print the models. I always try to hide the holes under the soles, but when they are too small, I choose a spot between the legs as the best hidden place.
The page HansDig showed, is Signatustudio by the great artist Miguel, I know from another forum. With his painting skill he painted several of my figurines. Here you can see some of his work on the cheaper plastic, in G scale. (Only the dik-diks in the last picture, still in the base primer, are in the more expansive plastic and the bigger dik-diks in 1/9 scale.)
Be also sure to check his work with his own classical sculpts. Signatustudio has among others some great Pleistocene sculpts!
Hope to have a great time here on this forum!