Should Recaster threads be banned / deleted from this Forum.


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A Fixture
Oct 8, 2014
Should Recaster threads be banned / deleted from this Forum.

I put the question as an idea for the following reasons. We all agree that Recasters are a plague on this hobby. But one should not forget there is a bigger plague out there. I mean the people that purchase recast models. As without the customer there would be no sellers.

I would like to think that all our members & guests would not stoop so low as to purchase recast models but we all live in the real world like it or not there are rotten apples in every barrel of life.

Therefore I propose that this site does not allow PUBLIC threads on recasting.

We have already as a forum agreed not to advertise the recasters details on threads ( highlighted by el greco) I would like to go one step further and NOT advertise publicly that a particular model / brand is being recast.

Hugo ( RP models ) has just informed us that his Harald Hardrada has been copied. Now I understand that this was a limited edition. So if you were unlucky not to have got it on release, the fact that we advertise that a copy is now available on ebay or any other auction site surely defeats the object.

If any recast models are found please contact the manufacturer by PM or email. Do not advertise the fact of its existence publicly. Why do the plague buyers work for them and advertise the rogue models availability and location.

Can we maybe put our heads together and come up with a logo /slogan against recasting that can be placed on the Planet figure Front page header???

These are thoughts to be considered and actioned upon IF the forum thinks fit.

I support the idea Mick, especially as it is about not advertising on this forum that particular recasts are out there. It still won't stop buyers purchasing them as they will surf the net looking for figures to purchase, and the unsuspecting, and a number of the knowledgeable, will go for the cheapest price.

Nonetheless, not alerting guests to the forum that certain recasts are out there will help limit advertising the thieves products. The only way to really hurt these drones is for all producers and retailers of the real deal (because they are hurt as well by loss of sales) to band together, and fund a class action of breaching the EU laws about reproducing other people's products without consent, using a lawyer who follows the no win-no fees approach. Not easy I know, but Who Dares Wins.

I agree with the fact that advertisement for recasters should be avoided. Perhaps rather tan focussing on a particular models, we can highlight - i.e. name & shame - the recasters. Might help those that unwillingly consider purchasing a recast model (for me that would be like a personal 'do not buy from' list)

I agree with the fact that advertisement for recasters should be avoided. Perhaps rather tan focussing on a particular models, we can highlight - i.e. name & shame - the recasters. Might help those that unwillingly consider purchasing a recast model (for me that would be like a personal 'do not buy from' list)


Unfortunately it does not work that way. By publishing their names, we would be giving them free publicity. Unfortunately not everyone is honest and there are hundreds of modellers who will keep on buying from them. By putting their names out, people will become curious and may/will be tempted to buy their recasts. Ebay is already helping them too much by making it easy for them to sell their figures and VERY HARD for the manufacturers to get the listings off Ebay. So we cannot give them more ground to increase their sales.
I support the idea Mick, especially as it is about not advertising on this forum that particular recasts are out there. It still won't stop buyers purchasing them as they will surf the net looking for figures to purchase, and the unsuspecting, and a number of the knowledgeable, will go for the cheapest price.

Nonetheless, not alerting guests to the forum that certain recasts are out there will help limit advertising the thieves products. The only way to really hurt these drones is for all producers and retailers of the real deal (because they are hurt as well by loss of sales) to band together, and fund a class action of breaching the EU laws about reproducing other people's products without consent, using a lawyer who follows the no win-no fees approach. Not easy I know, but Who Dares Wins.


Yes Chris Its all about not advertising their existence, as it is only human nature if it is mentioned people will have to have a nose and temptation may creep in.
Elgreco I think has it covered.
I agree with the fact that advertisement for recasters should be avoided. Perhaps rather tan focussing on a particular models, we can highlight - i.e. name & shame - the recasters. Might help those that unwillingly consider purchasing a recast model (for me that would be like a personal 'do not buy from' list)


Hi LH.
I trust Elgreco has covered your questions & thoughts.

Come on Nap thoughts from management.

Unfortunately it does not work that way. By publishing their names, we would be giving them free publicity. Unfortunately not everyone is honest and there are hundreds of modellers who will keep on buying from them. By putting their names out, people will become curious and may/will be tempted to buy their recasts. Ebay is already helping them too much by making it easy for them to sell their figures and VERY HARD for the manufacturers to get the listings off Ebay. So we cannot give them more ground to increase their sales.

Hi Guys

Been watching this and after consulting with the real management namely


These are my thoughts ...and ideas

PF will not support in anyway the recasters and no user name will be used ..if you see it report or pm to a moderator

In answer to the thread title question posed by Mick we can highlight the fact of recasting but no names on threads , I don't feel that threads should be deleted you can PM individuals with more details and not promoting them in open thread

El Greco have said it all I think but despite all our thoughts and companies efforts ....

IMO this will not be stopped fully we can only make it as hard as possible and limit the effect

An idea might be to contact magazine editors to see if they would run a article ....Mil Modeling , SMMI etc

Show organisors should be involved no matter how small the show is

Perhaps contact IPMS and BMSS etc

Could the forums in USA like Timelines etc run something

Has anyone heard anything from the companies like Pegaso , NutsPlanet , Young Miniatures on this ...surely they cannot be happy and I see many of their items at bargain prices .

I personally would welcome seeing a suggested letter to send out to people ..I am thinking long and hard about all this .

Company's like CGS / Stormtroopers etc have been successful in getting listings removed through the eBay systems ...I am sure they talk to each other perhap share details .

We all know this is a massive task ..will it be stopped at source ......without being -ve I doubt it ...but we can perhaps make it hard at other levels

We all know each other and have the PM facility if needed

That's my initial thoughts welcome others thoughts especially on the logistics of this

Here is a suggestion from a member

WHy not take this matter to a different level for the company's

Take a poor recast and show it up for what it is against the original item.
Do that a few times, selecting only the worst copies, and put it out for all to see.
Add a selection of price comparisons (select the highest visible), to show how much of a rip-off they are.
No names or references ... just examples of the worst of what's out there.
I know that might sound a trifle unfair, but what the hell ..... they started it.


PS I was painting at the bench !!!
This was posted on FB a little while back. Although intended to be printed as a business card, maybe as club members, organisers of shows, members of other forums, etc, we could use this as a poster campaign at shows, events, etc to bring awareness to the general public about the problem..?

I have shared it on some pages and we are going to have one printed and laminated to put on our club stand to make the general public aware.

Im not naive enough to think it will stop the problem, but perhaps it might help to raise awareness more widely?

Unfortunately it does not work that way. By publishing their names, we would be giving them free publicity. Unfortunately not everyone is honest and there are hundreds of modellers who will keep on buying from them. By putting their names out, people will become curious and may/will be tempted to buy their recasts. Ebay is already helping them too much by making it easy for them to sell their figures and VERY HARD for the manufacturers to get the listings off Ebay. So we cannot give them more ground to increase their sales.

Ok, I understand your viewpoint.
How about a list of reputable senders then? That way the bad guys are not mentioned and those we respect and admire and can trust will be given the support they deserve?
Hi Guys

Been watching this and after consulting with the real management namely

View attachment 286609

EDITED........These are my thoughts ...and ideas

PF will not support in anyway the recasters and no user name will be used ..if you see it report or pm to a moderator
In answer to the thread title question posed by Mick we can highlight the fact of recasting but no names on threads , I don't feel that threads should be deleted you can PM individuals with more details and not promoting them in open thread

By posting a thread that reads along the lines of "My Bust / Figure of XXX. Has been subject of a Recast and is being sold for £??.?? half the Price."
By pure definition you are highlighting the offence. and indirectly advertising its presence for the recaster. If people see such post they will go an look for it.
We all know about the problem, so if you have info etc pass it to the relevant parties by PM or email. Dont put the fact up in lights for all to see.
As for articles and other anti recasting awareness campaigns Great idea.

Ps its to hot to paint............
This was posted on FB a little while back. Although intended to be printed as a business card, maybe as club members, organisers of shows, members of other forums, etc, we could use this as a poster campaign at shows, events, etc to bring awareness to the general public about the problem..?

I have shared it on some pages and we are going to have one printed and laminated to put on our club stand to make the general public aware.

Im not naive enough to think it will stop the problem, but perhaps it might help to raise awareness more widely?

Thats the ticket Steve. Great idea.
Name & shame the buyers as well! If you know of someone buying recasts make it known. Look at feedbacks left by buyers for the recasters on ebay. Some of the buyers usernames may be known.

I remember recasting happening back in the 1980's and the individuals concerned took pride in what they saw as a kind of Robin Hood operation, robbing the rich ie. the manufacturers to help the poor, those who couldn't or wouldn't pay the regular prices.

Although I'm in complete sympathy with the subject, Do the words "Ostrich and Hole in the sand" mean ANYTHING to you guys. I've reported plenty of these guys to manufactures, all with little or NO further action! I've suggested At least 3 methods of combating these guys, and just got "Lip service" back from the company. So, if they're NOT prepared to do something positive, then don't just sit there bemoaning the situation, DO SOMETHING!! Don't just leave it to your customers, or pretty soon, you'll loose them. Ray
I've said it before, but in case anyone missed it, The manufacturers and retailers need to form a Trade Association, and take action as a Group, split any costs involved. One easy way of curbing the trade is simple. Have you noticed almost 98% use your Box-Art, without it, what could they show to advertise?They clearly don't care about copyrite, so there's another easy way to legally tie these guys up. Just get your act together, AS A GROUP. Ray
Ive just found this on the Internet - obviously UK based, but I cant see why other nationalities wouldnt have similar forums -

As Ray says, this is something that all manufacturers could do to lend weight to the fight. If there were National Trade assosciations in each country, these could then be afilliated into a single international one..?

Just a thought(y)
Just to let you know, I added the 'no recasting' banner to the 'rules' thread in the Marketplace forum:

Hi Pwadm
Thats great. Is there any chance of a smaller one or something similar
on the Home page opposite the Planet Figure Banner.
This will show that PF is against Recasting to ever one who logs on
not only those that go on the market place.
But Great start
Thanks Mick
There is no room for an extra image, given that the current layout needs to work with a multitude of devices, including phones with small screen.


Personally I never buy anything unless I see it first or if it's from a trusted U.K. dealer or the manufacturer. If I buy secondhand (Ebay) it has to have the original box and be out of production and if perchance it is a fake it goes straight back, or in the one case it happened to me in the bin with a refund!

I think those that will buy recasts will buy them anyway and people like me won't touch them. I'd like to know who these people are so I can avoid.
