Should Recaster threads be banned / deleted from this Forum.


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Although I'm in complete sympathy with the subject, Do the words "Ostrich and Hole in the sand" mean ANYTHING to you guys. I've reported plenty of these guys to manufactures, all with little or NO further action! I've suggested At least 3 methods of combating these guys, and just got "Lip service" back from the company. So, if they're NOT prepared to do something positive, then don't just sit there bemoaning the situation, DO SOMETHING!! Don't just leave it to your customers, or pretty soon, you'll loose them. Ray
Ray, please believe me we are doing all we can. There is a group of us of at least 25 manufacturers that are trying. We don't post on her as obviously it's not the modellers fault and we can't do a woah me!
Some previous in the group have been pushing for a lawsuit and it has been funded in house by us companies, so please don't think we ain't trying
We certainly don't put any pressure on any customer or expect anything of you
Best wishes
Dear CGS, May I suggest you have a word with Don Triani, the artist. When this hobby started, Sculptors used to use Book illustrations to base some of their figures, e.g. New Hope Design and Osprey. When Don's books became popular, he took out an Injunction Protecting his drawings from being reproduced commercally By ANYONE else, including Figures, and it still holds true to-day. Now, Don is from the USA, but so are E-Bay and Paypall so knowing this, Copywrite your Box-Art. This will knock out 90% of these one man bands, because to sell them they are going to have to assemble, and Paint their re-casts, and, I suspect they're not in the same League as your own guys I'm going to send you more info via a Private conversation Link. Ray
I disagree that we should ban or delete threads reporting recasters. I agree that we should not publish specific information about them, such as URLs to websites or other links to online sales. But it's important to let people know, who might not otherwise know better, to be careful when buying a particular piece, that it might be a pirated copy and so, to avoid it.

I find the alerts helpful, because I don't know as much about the lines of the various artists here, who produce figures, nor do I know as much about the catalogs of the major figure companies, like Andrea, Pegaso, etc, and I rely on comments from those of you who work with those products to learn and know better. I imagine that there are others in the same boat as I.

I think we can establish a standard for such posts, though, such as the more or less informal standard that we already have, which is not to include links to the items.


OK, it looks like I've commented after the horse bolted the barn. I read peedee's update to the forum rules, and it looks like we have implemented a policy of deleting such threads. As Emily Litella used to say, "Never mind!"
The problem with recasting/recasters is twofold. First: there are recaster running a profitable business. Second: there are people buying recasts enabling recasters to run a profitable business.

The problem is not solved by deleting threads. Better to have it out in the open. At least you can see what goes on.
Considering that at least 2 people have come forward and stated that PF has educated them on how to identify recasters after making previous errors in the past, you would think the site would applaud itself for a public service to the hobby. Instead they continue the descent into PC land by not allowing any discussion on it at all. I'm sure the no recasters sign will be as effective as the No Bullies signs on playgrounds which have completely eliminated bullyism :rolleyes:
The owner of websites and mods can shape a forum the way they see fit. There is no more critique of new releases, no more discussions on historical accuracy. The lounge which Gordy put in for the more controversial debates has been sanitized so that the sensibilities of the light hearted aren't offended. In other words it is the same as hundred other facebook sites which do the same thing. PF is known as the "attaboy" site which is a moniker it has whether deserved or not.
Quote from tomifune
"The owner of websites and mods can shape a forum the way they see fit. There is no more critique of new releases, no more discussions on historical accuracy. The lounge which Gordy put in for the more controversial debates has been sanitized so that the sensibilities of the light hearted aren't offended. In other words it is the same as hundred other facebook sites which do the same thing. PF is known as the "attaboy" site which is a moniker it has whether deserved or not "
I couldn't agree more with tomifune the site is becoming dull . Where have all the grown ups gone .

I must reply PF is not becoming dull ..your opinion which everyone is entitled to have .... there are "grown ups" here , perhaps more contributions by yourself ?

I am certainly am open to and welcome any Idea's and suggestions by PM

You can't please everybody all the time ..we all love this hobby

As for the thread subject I am realistic there will always be these thieves and my opinion is that we can highlight recasting taking place , advise the companies affected and more importantly support them by buying only from genuine sellers .

Tomifume makes a good comment's all about educating those in the hobby about recasting


PS Feel free to PM rather than go off thread
Considering that at least 2 people have come forward and stated that PF has educated them on how to identify recasters after making previous errors in the past, you would think the site would applaud itself for a public service to the hobby. Instead they continue the descent into PC land by not allowing any discussion on it at all. I'm sure the no recasters sign will be as effective as the No Bullies signs on playgrounds which have completely eliminated bullyism :rolleyes:
The owner of websites and mods can shape a forum the way they see fit. There is no more critique of new releases, no more discussions on historical accuracy. The lounge which Gordy put in for the more controversial debates has been sanitized so that the sensibilities of the light hearted aren't offended. In other words it is the same as hundred other facebook sites which do the same thing. PF is known as the "attaboy" site which is a moniker it has whether deserved or not.

The problem is that there those who simply don't know how to behave themselves on the internet. Forums like this one seem to function as an escape hatch to let go of frustrations. Some seem to think that they can behave like they want. There are similarities with football hooligans. Any (verbal) behaviour seems to be ok/acceptable. Of course it's not. But hey........ what the hack I am on the Internet, no one can see me and I can behave and write down anything I want.

That is the reason that moderators sometimes have no choice but to resort to regulatory measures.

Yes it is inevitable that this will result in a less ''open" environement. But should the moderators or website owners be blamed for that?

No I don't think so. We are to be blamed for sometimes behaving like little children, unreasonable, rude or whatever.
I've said it before, but in case anyone missed it, The manufacturers and retailers need to form a Trade Association, and take action as a Group, split any costs involved. One easy way of curbing the trade is simple. Have you noticed almost 98% use your Box-Art, without it, what could they show to advertise?They clearly don't care about copyrite, so there's another easy way to legally tie these guys up. Just get your act together, AS A GROUP. Ray

Absolutely Ray. United action is the only way they are likely make a substantial impact.

I had suggested to Nap via PM that we could be comparing the roughness of copies with the quality of the originals.
Here's one site that is doing precisely that:-


Hi Andrew

You did indeed suggest this and it's in progress being sorted by myself .

Thanks for the link very good indeed and the comments are excellent from an actual Recaster ...! ...words fail me
