simon m.
Active Member
It´s been quite a long time since I started working on this knight (christmas 2009) but finally I have found enough time and motivation to finish the piece.
It took a while until I had decided on a colour scheme and in the end I choose to go away one step from the fantasy references I used towards a more historical approach. The result can perhaps be described as a "fantasy-interpretation of an historical character"....however the taints of chaos have been inevitable...
So, the person depicted is "Georg der Reiche, Herzog von Bayern-Landshut" ("George the rich, duke of Bavaria-Landshut"). He lived from 1455 to 1503 and is mainly popular due to his lavish marriage with Hedwig Jagiellonica (daughter of the polish King, Kasimir IV) in 1475, an event still celebrated by the citizens of Landshut (The headline is something like a mission statement used during this time).
Besides that I like this historical period and had already used pictures of armour from this time during the sculpting process I found the duke´s heraldry suitable.
Both painting and sculptingwise I consider it not my best work yet in regard of the amount of time invested into this figure it has definitelly been the most ambitious project for me up to now and I am pretty happy and even more relieved to have it away from my desk.
So far, thank´s a lot for looking and reading and of course I am grateful for each comment.
Regards, si.
It took a while until I had decided on a colour scheme and in the end I choose to go away one step from the fantasy references I used towards a more historical approach. The result can perhaps be described as a "fantasy-interpretation of an historical character"....however the taints of chaos have been inevitable...
So, the person depicted is "Georg der Reiche, Herzog von Bayern-Landshut" ("George the rich, duke of Bavaria-Landshut"). He lived from 1455 to 1503 and is mainly popular due to his lavish marriage with Hedwig Jagiellonica (daughter of the polish King, Kasimir IV) in 1475, an event still celebrated by the citizens of Landshut (The headline is something like a mission statement used during this time).
Besides that I like this historical period and had already used pictures of armour from this time during the sculpting process I found the duke´s heraldry suitable.
Both painting and sculptingwise I consider it not my best work yet in regard of the amount of time invested into this figure it has definitelly been the most ambitious project for me up to now and I am pretty happy and even more relieved to have it away from my desk.
So far, thank´s a lot for looking and reading and of course I am grateful for each comment.
Regards, si.
