Completed Soilder of the Revolution 1796


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Not been doing much painting since I finished the Doc Holiday bust last year,lost my mojo for a while and then sliced my thumb open at the start of the year,so things have been a little slow,however the thumb is getting a lot better now and I've managed to finish painting this latest bust of mine.
The bust in question is the CGS French revolution bust,i picked this up at euro last year and wanted to give it a different look,so I set about converting the bust,i used different pictures from the revolution to get a feel for the piece and the era,all the conversion and sculpting work I did before xmas.
The painting of the piece I've done over the last couple of weeks,there is just a couple of small things to finish but other than that its complete.

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You're truly an Artist.
Perhaps smudger comes from your amazing ability to make your pieces so dirty in a realistic way.......LOL. I know it's not true Brian but as others have said you have a very distinct painting style and that is something so few people achieve-a sign of rare talent.
Always enjoy seeing your pieces mate - really inspirational.

Many thanks Keith for your kind words,it's nice to be recognised by style,I'm glad you liked it mate (y)
Now that is a really nice piece of painting. A great achievement. I like the muted colours you use Brian, gives a faded look to the uniforms. Truly inspirational. How do you achieve it?

Now that is a really nice piece of painting. A great achievement. I like the muted colours you use Brian, gives a faded look to the uniforms. Truly inspirational. How do you achieve it?

Many thanks Chris,I use different shades of raw umber and whites mixed into my uniform colours to give that faded look,I just keep working the colours until I'm happy with the effect I'm after,it can be a little difficult explaining it,but I hope you understand what I mean.
Many thanks Chris,I use different shades of raw umber and whites mixed into my uniform colours to give that faded look,I just keep working the colours until I'm happy with the effect I'm after,it can be a little difficult explaining it,but I hope you understand what I mean.

Many thanks Brian. That gives me the basis for doing the same. Great work.

Many thanks Brian. That gives me the basis for doing the same. Great work.

Chris,you probably won't get the results you want straight away,what works for me doesn't always mean it will work for someone else,you just have to practise and work on it mate,oils can be very daunting to some people but given time and growing in confidence working with them,in my opinion there the best medium to paint with.
Thank you Brian. Point well taken.

Most of my efforts are trail and error, as I don't do a lot of painting.:sick: Nonetheless, the outstanding work presented on this forum is inspirational, and has encouraged me to get back into the hobby after many, many years away from it. I have learnt a lot from the PF members who have kindly given advice and help.

I derive great pleasure looking at the excellent work the PF members present here. Truly talented people. I will never get to the standard shown, but paint simply for the enjoyment of creating something.

Hi, Brian, glad to hear the thumb is better....once again, your latest masterpiece crept under my radar;) Brilliant addition to your ever-growing 'Oeuvre de travail'. Extremely effective.

Cheers, Alan

many thanks alan for your coments,the thumb has improved,however I may have lost some feeling through the injury (y)
Pleased to hear that your thumb's on the mend Brian.
Great to see another of your masterpieces moving from the bench to the display cabinet.
This one really does look like he's been dragged backwards through the proverbial hedge.

Pleased to hear that your thumb's on the mend Brian.
Great to see another of your masterpieces moving from the bench to the display cabinet.
This one really does look like he's been dragged backwards through the proverbial hedge.

Many thanks Andrew I'm glad you liked it (y)

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