Soldiers (Italy) Question


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A Fixture
Jun 7, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
I need to pick someone's brain about the Soldiers (Italy) product range... now that I've eventually found their website... ;)

Soldiers (Italy)

On the java menu on the left of the screen is Models and Soldiers... pretty daft question, but are these both Soldiers (Italy) product series/ranges? What are the differences? And please don't say the products... I may be a daft bugger, but I'm not that daft :lol: Is the one simply a better quality series? It seems to me that the Soldiers series is more expensive...

Thanks for your time... I hope I haven't wasted too much of it... :lol:
If I'm correct most of the figures of the "Models" range are former IL FEUDO figures. SOLDIERS and IL FEUDO joined their forces and formed the new firm SGF SOLDIERS. I think that is the answer to your question.

Best regards

Some are good, some are less. It all depends who was the sculptur.
My opinion is that Soldiers from the same time is better, but that's just me.
Soldiers is improved now by sculpturs like Adriano Laruccia.

I think there are quite some good kits to find in Il Fuedo.
But Your not buying a Pegaso, who has very good fits.
Somethime You need to work a little to fit an Il Fuedo nicely together,
with some putty on the right place.

That's my experience,

Some folks have noted a decline in quality of the Soldiers' castings in the last couple of years. Mold shifts, more pitting etc.

The problem I've had with Soldiers is missing parts. Their quality control is bad at times, and their customer service is terrible! They NEVER reply to e-mails, and it was a shop owner in Italy who got a replacement arm sent to me.


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