Some more Pics


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A Fixture
Jun 16, 2005
St-Lambrechts Herk, Limburg, Belgium
Hi Folks,

I have found the way into the Planet, en like I promised I will post some more pics.
Like I have allready said, I have no special interest, I paint it if I like it and if the
sculpting is good.

My interest go's from:

Some Napoleonic's from Verlinden


To a Korean General :


A little Musketeer :


The beautiful S&T bust from Roosengrant I could not resist:


Andrea's German Soldier some time ago:


Even a little sexy charm from Pegaso's girls toke my eye:


So, thell me what You all think.

I post them becaus I know howmuch fun it gives me to see somebody others work.
So, post some too guys and let me enjoy, even if it's some work that is not recently done.

Have a nice day,

Excellent stuff, Eddy. (y)
Are these in acrylic or oils? Tell us more of your technique of how you get these fine results!

Very well painted stuff there Eddy. I really like your flesh tones. I will agree with Keith.. tell us some more of your techniques.
Thanks guys for the kind words. I really appreciate it.

About the fleshtones now: I only work with oils.
It's not an easy way. First I put two times sand of Humbrol (63) on the face as a base. After 24 hours drying I will begine my mixture.
1. I mix mars brown with white on one place (70-30%)
2. I mix cadmium red with cadmium yellow on an other place (50-50%)
Ill take 30% of the second mixter an do this with the first one.
This I will putt on the face (it looks like chocolat) and than Ill take it all off with a clean brush. Highlighting I will all do with the second mixture on a delicate way, adding some Naples Yellow ad it, next highlight I ad some Naples Yellow more and as last an highlight with some Naples Yellow and some white added.
Shadows with de first mixture, a little bit Brown madder and a little bit Purple.
But only a little bit, and a little bit of red on the cheaks. A little bit of Sepia for the beard and this is it.
This takes only an 1Hr30 and after this the face looks allmost like this.
The second day I look where it needs a little highlight and this is it.
It's a difficult way, but I toke this a few years ago from one of our best: Claude Jansen (who Gino will confirm) and this will work perfect for me.
The woman fleshtone I use Alizarine Crimson, Naples Yellow and white, shadow with burnt sienna.

I got to admit dough, this method works for me but purhaps not for everybody.
A friend of mine has an easier way for his skintones and achive beautiful results.
I have tried his way more than ones and the result did me want to eat my brushes.
So, the perfect manner is the way where you're feeling good with, (when You think this is the mixter), because to me it's a manner of feeling , than keep to it, the way that works perfect for You, and than trying to improve yourself.

That's it, fellows,

Take care, Eddy.
Hi Eddy,

I like painting the Napoleonic period myself. Your figurine that you have kindly put on the forum for us all to see - is simply awsome. I just had to tell you that I think you have done a wonderful job. I would love to see more of you art work.

Regards. ;)
Great work Eddy, love your skin tones and your treatment of eyes in those busts as well. Please share with us how you did them. Keep up the good work mate.
Welcome to the planet Eddy ;)

Great stuff mate, I like what I see very very much............where have you been hiding? :eek:

Keep up the great work and take care.

Ray :)