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I'm liking what I see so far Colin. The highlighting on the braid is effective and the face is very southern aristocrat.
Keep on painting.
Keep on painting.
HaHaHa That's OK Colin my brother... just chalk it up to a senior moment, being all retired and all.Like it a lot. There is a dark grey dot on his lower right abdomen you might want to touch. What's the plan for groundwork?
PS just read your post above....preaching to the choir much? Sorry
HaHaHa That's OK Colin my brother... just chalk it up to a senior moment, being all retired and all.
As for groundwork... I was thinking very early in the war... even during the mustering of the Confederate forces outside Richmond, before the first Manassas. Maybe on a path in front of a gate or a section of picket fence or in front of a garden... something sedate, like that there... y'all.
That's me "Whistling Dixie"... just to set the mood
Thanx guys for the support... down to the short strokes now. The end is in sight.
Does anybody have any insight as to whether the spurs would be steel or brass?
Thanx Daniel
You're right about grey... a product of black and white (at the most basic level) yet I found it harder to work than either of them. I made two different greys, warm for the coat and cool for the cape... Both were a bitch to work with
Yellow I actually don't mind. Usually I start with Flat Yellow + Burnt Cadmium Red. This time I tried advice from Roger and yourself... Flat Yellow + Violet. I think it worked out alright. I added a touch of Ice Yellow to the base of the cuffs and collar of the coat to give it a different value than the yellows of the kepi, cuffs and lining of the cape.
Thanx for the advice and the generous compliment