Wow, this is very nice. And kewl photos as well. However,
. . . . I certainly would like to know what scale this is? That
would help me to undertstand so much better what I am
looking at. (My guess is either 1:48th or 1:32nd) I feel that
when we are not actually in front of that particular
presentation, we are kind of in limbo. . . as we gaze at the
photos, no mater how many of them there are. We're just
guessing as to what it is that we are seeing photos of. Mentioning
the scale, in my view, is so very important, as I see it. And I feel that
should be stressed on this web site. I believe personally that when we
post something here on this web site, we become journalist, whether
we want to be or not. So that requires certain responsibilities.
But that is just an opinion of an old retired journalist from
so many years ago. In the news media, we were taught that each
article had to answer the five "W's". Who, What, Where, Why, and When.
Regardless, fine work and I salute you, Sir,
The Miami Jayhawk