Hi Steve and Martin,
It is really difficult with things like this.
Foxwood Figures are not a big player, and never will be due to our ongoing family health problems. So what we have done is try to give our customers the option of seeing their painted figure on our box art. Some are really very good - like Michal above - and others are less so. But its all about trying to make life better and if we can give some customers a touch of pride by using their pictures then its a little victory against life's ongoing difficulties.
And Mike, the slouch hat is with Jim Evans at the moment. Jim is working on converting the Desert Rat figure to an ANZAC from Gallipoli (similar to the one we discussed the other year). All being well, we will pick it up from Jim at the Bath show in November.
The pith helmet is still waiting for the right figure to place it on. Perhaps something like your Salonika figure? Funny thing about this though. In our early 20's Terry worked in an office and would often exchange banter with the old caretaker. One day he said he was off on holiday the following two weeks and the caretaker asked where we were going. Terry said northern Greece and Turkey, flying into Salonika. Terry said the old caretaker went very quiet and then explained his Father was buried there following wounds received in action....and that he was in the Glosters. He had never visited his Fathers grave and asked if we would, on his behalf. We found the cemetery but cold not find his Fathers grave. It really is a small world.
Foxwood Figures