A Fixture
Thanks Stefan, I'm glad you like the way he turned out!I like it.
Thanks Stefan, I'm glad you like the way he turned out!I like it.
Thanks Jeff! That ole size 0 sable hair brush comes in handy once in a while!Great work once again Joe!
Facial hair is especially well done.
Howdy Steve, and thanks!
Thanks for your comments Paul! That tarp is actually one of my old cravats or slings. Its an olive drab, triangular piece of cloth as found in our first aid kits. Troops called them 'drive on rags', used tied around your neck or around your skull, a la Rambo. These days I use them as a backdrop, a sweat rag when I do yard work, or as a mask worn bandito style when I go visit the liquor store !This whole piece is superb Joe.
Even the backdrop Tarp is in balance !
Hey Roger, I appreciate it! I'm glad you like the tones as they came out. I primed in black from 6 o'clock then in white from 12 o'clock. It really helped in defining the folds and such. I tried to be careful though in not having too stark a contrast between the lights and darks.Very nice Joe. I like the muted tones you use on your figures, it gives a very realistic look to them.
Thanks Nick! Yeah, I like that kind of look too in the Dog faced Soldiers. Although, I've neglected to soil his clothing and gear !Lovely painting on this beaut figure, Joe.
I really like how you've painted his face - he looks the part of a veteran squad leader.
Bob, consider this as a tribute to your father, to the other Timberwolves, and to all those who answer the call to duty.Joe,
You brought tears to my eyes with this figure. My Father served in the Timberwolf Division, got wounded twice, and carried a "souvenir" as he called it, in his leg the rest of his life. A few years before he passed, I did an S&T 1/35 figure as a 104th for him. As like many WW2 vets, he didn't talk much about his personal experiences in the war but was extremely proud of his service.
Thanks much,
I appreciate it Taesung! Thank you for all these cool figures to paint !Excellent work!
Yeah, I know what you mean Steve. When I first laid eyes on this figure the face killed it for me. After studying the box art, I figured I could possibly paint it differently, with focus on the mouth cheek bones, and eyes. I also googled the figure and found images of this figure done by two others. They didn't at all look like the box art either. It was then a done deal for me so I ordered it. It comes with two heads, only the other one has the helmet net.No ******** Joe - I actually prefer your version to the box art! The face especially. Did you swap out the head? Because yours looks much better. I don't like the doll-like faces that E.P.D. tends to do, which is a shame because aside from that his sculpts are great. His faces though are usually deal-breakers for me.
- Steve
Now I don't know if this is going to be the case in all his figures, but it might be worth your while to wait a bit, and look at those done by others before you lay down your cash.
Get the figure and check it out Steve. I doubt seriously you will want to replace the either of the heads.Joe, most of his figures that I've seen have that "doll" face, which has put me right off them. This one however is on my 'shopping list' for this year because aside from the face issue, I really like the pose and it's beautifully sculpted. Plus Alpine's casting is usually superb. But I'll probably give him a head transplant when the time comes, and just use the one supplied as a paint mule for experimentation puposes.
- Steve
Howdy Mike, and thanks for the compliment! Have fun painting up that dog face. Can't wait to see your version posted here on PF!Nicely done Joe, I have this on the bench as well. Just started cleaning it up.
Thanks Andrew! I like to put on that been there awhile look to these guys!Superbly painted figure. That tired, been here too long, look you've achieved is very striking.
P.S. Like others, I've also been put off this figure by the box art face.