SS Infantryman Late war


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Jaume hi

Another terrific figure, can't wait to see how it progresses.

When painting camo, but especially pea dot, how do you paint the dots without them looking like blobs of paint ?

What sort of consistancy is the paint at this stage, its looks thick enough to be opaque.

Hope this makes sense

hola Jaume!!!!
me encanta como te esta quedando el camo, espero verla pronto acabada, es, es, es, es, ... no tengo palabras, puede convertirse en una de las figuras que más me gustan de las que has pintado de la WW2.
Saldrá en XM???
un abrazo

I love the camo of this figure, it's fantastic.. I wait to see it prompt ended. is, is, is, is... I don't have words. maybe for me, this one, can be any of yours best figure. (WW2).
Will we see it in XM?

Hi Jaume!

It's going to another fantastic figure...!! I like this camo - what colour do you use for it?

jaume I like so much your paintwork if you went to folkestone this year please after the beer could you show me how you do this amazing work :)
Hola Jaume,

Un trabajo espectacular en la cara, muy realista y con un acabado muy equilibrado.
Me gusta mucho, enhorabuena y haber como acaba....

Un abrazo

(Amazing work, the face is fine and very realistic finished, I like it, congratulations and hoping the end...)

Dios mío que metedura de pata,

cuando quiero decir (haber como acaba) realmente quiero decir
(a ver como acaba), es que aun estoy dormido esta mañana.

(Oh my god, wath spanish gramatical mistake) Sorry, I still am sleeping this morning.

Hello Jaume,

This is magnificent! I hope that maybe one day I will be able to paint a figure only as good as 1% of yours. This is really Art.

Greetz and hope to see you at Euro?

Hey guys,

I would like to say the pictures are really nice but you have to see this in person!! There is no way that pictures can capture how well this is painted. Another beauty Jaume.

Joe :)
Hello Jeaume,

it only want to say this: Perfect, perfect, perfect....

And I hope that you`ll never give up doing such perfect works....

All the best,

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