A Fixture
For what it's worth, I tend to agree with jburch.
I like the composition. However, I was wondering. If his buddy just got zapped by a sniper, would he be kneeling next to him in the open pointing to where the shot came from? He would soon be lying right next to his friend, I would think. Just an observation.
Ah, very good.
I think I would have the dead guy with his feet pointing the other way, as if he was walking around the wall, got hit, then fell backwards. I think it would give a better indication of where he was walking when he was hit, and extend the scene out a little so that its not tucked behind that line of the wall
Nice layout Dave and I agree with Jason's comment about the position of the dead figure, will add a good flow to the scene. That Stormtroopers figure works really well with the wall setting, as if he was made for the job.
All the best mate
I think I would make the walls a little taller and wider to give the impression that they are part of a larger building. To me, as it is now, its kind of like he is crouching down to hide behind this one little piece of cover, like theres nothing else around to hide behind. Maybe include a building element like a broken window, door or steps to reinforce that its part of a larger structure.
That's cool. Have you ever worked with balsa foam for buildings? Great stuff, easy to carve details, and it comes in nice sized squares about the size of a sheet of paper, in various thickness and densities. Soft is somewhat crumbly and easily damaged, medium and hard are good for carving and having sharp detail. Hard is best if you are going to use it as a master for a mold.
Coming together nicely Dave!
As a suggestion to contemplate (or reject of course): descreasing the base dimensions a bit and bringing the figures closer together may increase the overall impact of the set up. I am thinking 'vignette', more than 'diorama'.
Anyway, very nice work so far, and I love the loose brick on the wooden beam and the curtain! Nice details.
I actually like the size that it is now, there is still some room to add extra stuff if you want. One thing I was thinking about is one of those cable reels that the German signal troops used to run landlines through the rubble. If you saw "Enemy at the Gates", I believe they were shooting these guys down. Here's a picture from a 1/35 figure set of one of the guys with the spool on his back.
Maybe the story could be one of these teams was running line when one of their guys got picked off. Have the spool in the corner with some other gear, like they were taking a breather. Or just have some more beams and rubble in there, maybe a Russian helmet or something. I think you could move the kneeling guy up closer to the fallen beam and be OK on spacing too. That would move him out of the line of fire a little more as well. Its looking good. Do you plan on putting some cold weather stuff on the guy behind the wall, like gloves and a toque?