A Fixture
Stefano just e-mailed me this article which I translated and posted for your pleasure.
As a general rule, in choosing subject matters to sculpt, I have always had a predilection for unusual subjects. These two in particular.
The idea came to me from two drawings, thinking about two musicians of the guard . The first thing I thought about was the disastrous retreat from Russia, but seeing the spectacular uniforms, it seemed a pity to cover them in blankets and rags. I than thought of a camp situation. In reality, from reading the chronicles of the time, even the musicians were in the front line during the heat of the battle, and like all soldiers were not immune to cannon balls and enemy cavalry attacks.
The painting is very interesting in fact in this case a bit different from my usual technique, I tried to give the colors a pastel look , in order to create natural and realistic looking colors.
I hope you enjoy my latest creations.
Your friend and fellow member.
As a general rule, in choosing subject matters to sculpt, I have always had a predilection for unusual subjects. These two in particular.
The idea came to me from two drawings, thinking about two musicians of the guard . The first thing I thought about was the disastrous retreat from Russia, but seeing the spectacular uniforms, it seemed a pity to cover them in blankets and rags. I than thought of a camp situation. In reality, from reading the chronicles of the time, even the musicians were in the front line during the heat of the battle, and like all soldiers were not immune to cannon balls and enemy cavalry attacks.
The painting is very interesting in fact in this case a bit different from my usual technique, I tried to give the colors a pastel look , in order to create natural and realistic looking colors.
I hope you enjoy my latest creations.
Your friend and fellow member.