A Fixture
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Stefano would like to share with you his latest creations.
Here are images of my latest creations:
The first is an Austrian Ulano 1859.
The second is an officer of the Royal Artillery in Crimea 1854.
This project is being realized with the cooperation of Carlo Maria Tiepolo, an Italian painter renown for his great painting skills and winner of many awards in American competitions.
These are two 54mm. Sculptures which will grace private collections.
Ciao to all my friends and fellow members of the Planet.
Stefano's web site
<img class=news src='' width='2' height='150'><img class=news src='[url]' alt='Click to Enlarge' height='150'>[/url]<img class=news src='' width='2' height='150'><img class=news src='[url]' alt='Click to Enlarge' height='150'>[/url]<img class=news src='' width='2' height='150'><img class=news src='[url]' alt='Click to Enlarge' height='150'>[/url]<img class=news src='' width='2' height='150'>
Stefano would like to share with you his latest creations.
Here are images of my latest creations:
The first is an Austrian Ulano 1859.
The second is an officer of the Royal Artillery in Crimea 1854.
This project is being realized with the cooperation of Carlo Maria Tiepolo, an Italian painter renown for his great painting skills and winner of many awards in American competitions.
These are two 54mm. Sculptures which will grace private collections.
Ciao to all my friends and fellow members of the Planet.
Stefano's web site