Thank you very much for your compliments, Meehan, marius, Ron, gordy!
What exactly is bothering you about the paint job so far?
Hmm, yes, it's hard to tell...I don't know exactly what it is...
Looks like you are a hard guy to satisfy ,if the rest turns out as good as the face it will be a stunner from a very simple figure.
LOL, yes maybe I'm a hard guy to satisfy.
You gave me a hint why I don't satisfy. Yes, this is "very simple figure", emotionless face with colorless uniforms. For me that's the most difficult factor of this figure to paint.
Boxart paint did a "too great painting job" by adding special painting effects to this simple figure, such as great "shell shock" look, it got the most out of this figure potential. So I didn't realize this is basically a very simple figure until I start painting it.
It's almost impossible to beyond the style of the boxart sample, so I started painting it differently. and I realized that's a difficult way to paint this figure. "Painting this figure differently from the boxart style" is very very hard. Maybe that makes me a hard guy to satisfy.
Kaz the uniform looks great, nice and smooth
Thank you very much gordy!
OKay, maybe I took it too seriously. I keep forgetting to enjoy painting. I move onto the next step!