Stringing a bow


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A Fixture
Sep 5, 2014
Portland OR USA
My grey army is growing again. I now have models with bows in 54, 75 and 90mm. Does anyone have recommendations for bow string material in those scales? Also any tips for stringing the bows?
Three tips. These are from hard-earned experience, believe me...
1. Use jewellery wire or fuse wire as the bow string.

2. Where you can, string up the bow as early as you can in the construction phase.

3. Having a wide vocabulary in swear words, it's a big stress reliever! ;)
There's some stuff that's used on ships rigging which one of the club members was showing me. Comes on a spool in different thickness' and the thinner ones are too fine to see, but because of their elasticity are easily fixed in place with a spot of superglue. I'll check the name and let you know (Quite expensive to rig one bow, but I'm sure you'll find other uses for it) ;)
ps - For the Yanomani bowman I finished recently (54mm) I used stretched sprue in the end and then Jez mentioned this and showed me some and I wanted to do another archer immediately just to try some :D
Not sure if the website is still functioning? found the rigging in three grades but for the life of me couldn't see any way of putting it in the shopping basket-the live chat didn't work either:rolleyes:
