"Survival of the fittest"


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Marijn Van Gils

Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2004
Hello guys,

sorry for my long absence. I finaly got round to take some pictures of this vignette I finished already early march this year.

It shows 2 french poilus in a desperate strugle over the last workig gasmask. Besides the base of the faces and hands which are Hornet, all the rest is scratchbuilt with Magic Sculpt, Duro, or a mix of both. Painting is all in Humbrolls.

Comment, criticism or questions are more than welcome!

best wishes,






Hallo Marijn,

Fantastic sculpting and great painting :eek: ! And the nice thing is that your vignet looks live as beautiful as on photo.

Keep up the good work !

Johan ;)
That is one of the nicest vignettes I have seen on WWI in a long time. Not since Andrei Koribanics German trench raider at least. Great job, super sculpting and painting and terrific sense of desperate drama. High fives on a job well done.
Originally posted by btavis@Jun 9 2005, 09:44 AM
That is one of the nicest vignettes I have seen on WWI in a long time. Not since Andrei Koribanics German trench raider at least. Great job, super sculpting and painting and terrific sense of desperate drama. High fives on a job well done.
Marijn, I agree wholeheartedly with Bob, it's a fantastic piece of work. The sculpting and painting are both consistent.~Gary
Originally posted by btavis@Jun 9 2005, 09:44 AM
That is one of the nicest vignettes I have seen on WWI in a long time. Not since Andrei Koribanics German trench raider at least. Great job, super sculpting and painting and terrific sense of desperate drama. High fives on a job well done.
I'll be another to agree 100% with Bob's comments. Excellent piece Marijn.

as usual Marijn Super Beautiful job. Great attention to detail and great blending of the figs into the groundwork! All of the accolaids are WELL deserved! BTW are you working on any armor dios as of right now or are you taking a little break?
Thanks a lot guys!

although 'm pleased with the result, I will still need a lot of sculpting practice to really deserve all of those nice words! :) But it is certainly encouraging!

Bob, still a happy birthday to you! That's a very nice comment you gave! That Koribanics vignette is still one of my all-time favourites!
I think also that WW1 is a very dramatic period, and certainly the west front is well known for it's gruesome character by the big audience. So that is why I chose it to tell this horrific story.
Being Belgian, I would also like to do a piece on the "brave little belgium" one day. Maybe something about the defence of my town Leuven (Louvain), or the Germans torching it? Well, if the Belgan uniforms weren't so drab khaki by this time of the war, I would have made the guys in this vignette Belgian too. For now, I'm just looking forward to your finished dio!
Also outside the western front, there are so many possibilities for orignal subjects in WW1: War in east-africa, or in the far-east, Gallipoli or mesopotamia, ... This won't be my last WW1 project...

Hello Dan! Well, I am taking a BIG brake in fact, since I did only figure-projects since last september and don't have any plans for an armour dio, but plenty for figures and vignettes! I guess there are so many new challenges in it I want to tackle, and it is also nice to get something finished in less than one year time! :lol:

Hello Mike! Thanks for the comment, but unfortunately this is not visible on the vignette in real life. I noticed yesterday night, when seeing the pics on a different screen, that my regular screen must show pics less yellow-heavy than standard, as they appeared quite yellowish on the other screen, the same as you probably see them. I will have to take this into account with the white-balance the next time...

Thanks again for the comments, and don't be affraid to also include some criticisms!

Thanks a lot guys!

Unfortunately, I won't make it too the world expo. Too far for this time of year (very busy at the job, so I'm not able to take the necessary hollidays).
Euromilitaire anyone?

Best wishes,
