Thanks Mark..glad you think I did a good job on this chap too.Thanks for your advice on MedRom too...
Hi Steve...indeed this is what happen to me too!I started..could say "to sculpt", last year in June and like I often do when something meet my interest I face it with a sort of "full immersion"..The result is that, right now , my working table looks like something very close to a "work in progress chaos". I'm starting with a new figure just because, after some times I'm working on a figure I loose interest on it....And that's the reason why I felt to leave that General in stby ,otherwise I'm quite sure I'd have done something not satisfactory at all if not absolutely wrong, so I'm back on some of my "old" wip..just I believe I'm addicted to this sculpting mania!
Thank God from Sept 5 I'll have my holydays and my wife is starting threatening divorce if I'll put all my sculpting stuff in the bag!!!!