WIP Templar Knight, 7th Crusade


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Thanks so much Gordy, for the advice, i was able to smooth the edges down nicely.

On to the update! Lots of little things done. I detailed the arms, did the chain mail and the rest of the belts and ropes around him, painted his back which was not up to speed yet, redetailed the face, added dried blood from his wounds, and did a base coat on the sword. Will need to order Reaper paint because my metal paints arent bright enough.

Any advice on what to order from Reaper that will do nicely for the sword? I eagerly await your replys and advice for this!






Love the muted colour scheme Ethan. For the sword I would've burnish the bare metal, but this might be a drama if it's attached to the figure now, and then give it a wash of black and burnt umber oils.
I don't suppose there's anything stopping you painting it silver, then doing the same,
Hi Ethan, I've been out of pocket for a bit, but your figure is looking great! Do bring it to the NTFC meeting this Saturday in Colleyville if you can make it. I'm with Cark on the sword blade. I tend to polish mine and give them the black/burnt umber treatment myself.


thanks so much housecarl, for the advice. I should have remembered that from my readings! your so right about the burnishing technique!

Glen I believe I should be able to make it out on Saturday. I was hoping to be done with the figure itself by this weekend and be working on the base but I forgot that next Tuesday I have to take the tests for a commercial drivers license; which is not an easy feat! I have a feeling Ill be studying most of my evenings... After what housecarl and you have said about the burnishing/oil treatment I wish I could strip the sword and start it over! I'm sure it's possible but the thing is so flimsy I'm not sure I want to attempt it. Ill figure it out! nothing is impossible :)
I understand. I'm busy doing some spring clean-up on my MGs. Not painting much myself...

Bring the Crusader anyway. WIPs are always good.


Sorry to all for taking so long to add something new. It has been a busy time but good news! Its almost done! I need to detail just a little bit more and do the base. Enjoy!


Shield and scabbard base coats

Used oils on shield and scabbard; attached
Hi Ethan,

It looks great so far. Everything seems to be coming together.

Don't forget the IPMS/North Central Texas is having their annual show this Saturday at the Mesquite Exhibit Hall. The North Texas Figure Club will have a display table there as well.

Link here: http://www.ipmsnct.net/

Come in and see us if you can make it. There's also lots models on display as well as vendors selling all kinds of stuff.


Hello Ethan,

it's a good job is a piece that got a fine engraving.
I have a great pleasure to do so now.

The work of white is always a nice challenge.
Thanks simon!

Alright, the figure i done and sealed. All I need to do is cut a strip of scrap photo etch for a strap on his back to his shield.

Started work on the base. It is made from 2 pieces of sign foam which is a very dense foam for making letters. Used a band saw to cut them into 4 inch square blocks 2 inches thick. I fused them together and then cut the pillar out on the bandsaw. I want to add atmosphere to the piece without detracting from the figure so im carving out one corner into a rocky cliff face. Started with sharp knife and large files, then sculpting scrapers and needle files. Now im ready to seal it and sculpt again.
He looks pretty darn good. Are you coming to the Tulsa show the first weekend in June? It would be great to see the figure and I gotta see this base.
Thanks Mike! I hope to come to Tulsa but we will just have to see how things go.

PICS! thought I would do some unprofessional shots of the figure and the wip pics of the base for yall. I still see some touchups on the body here and there but aside from that, enjoy!











I hope to jason!

Simon- based on the andrea figure title; this knight would have most likely been a French templar from the 7th crusade. This crusade to place in egypt and was an epic failure. My depiction of him is standing on the edge of a rocky cliff, overlooking the battle ground; while the battered remnants of his fellow forces retreat....
Very good idea of staging.
I am delighted to see more!

Thank you for your quick response

Very good work pal and everyone SBS This presentation is amazing, also my impression did you think that shield is the strong point of this miniature but also of your work!
Congrats great job pal!

thanks Simon and I look forward to having a bit of time to work on this again! I seem to be running ragged at the moment.

To all of you who pay attention to this im sorry I haven't had an update in so long! I will try my best to have a good update before the weekend.

Alexandros- thank you so much for your kind comments! I do think the shield turned out very nice but I am very much surprised at the way the whole piece came together since I have not done something of this caliber before! I can only hope to increase the skill I have from work such as yours and the other fine people we get to enjoy work from, accross the world.
At long last, I have been able to finally finish this piece! below are the completed photos. the base as you can see above, is completely hand made. after priming and sealing the foam, I painted it black and then used a water based clay to sculpt the rock formation. then after it dried I fixed any shrinkage cracks, primed and painted the base and then sealed it.





Hi Ethan,

I love the outcome of you figure,(y)super.

I've bought the same figure, and it's the first time I assemble a such a huge metal figure. I see you've mounted the figure first before painting, witch I also find the most logical way to proceed . But how did you detail the inside legs under the skirt or did you leave it unattended because it falls out of visual side?

On your intro to the figure you sad that the Templar's where all French, but that is not quite trough. The main regular army was French, but the Templar's where an international European order, you can compare the military structural base of the Templar's with the french foreign legion, that exist out of all kind of nationality. A lot of times people are made believe that the Templar's where "the" army, but they where only a small part of the general army and where most of the times asked for there military knowledge of the region. Ending up mostly ignored by pretentious European nobility who did think more of plundering than there Nobel crusade course for the church, always ending up in a bloody total fiasco as we know. And always the Templar's where killed on side because the orders policy was not to pay ransom for their captured members, while the captured nobility was always set free due to payed ransom. That's why the Templar's where so feared because they fought for there lives, and had nothing to lose but there lives.


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