Hello my Friends, I´m actually working in one Templar figure (actually two Figures) and I thought it would be interresting to share some pictures of the the process with you.
It´s a quite simple article, very simple technique, and photos are from my mobile, ok
So ... above we have our shield, with base coat of dark grey, applied with brush and over that I´ve made several "dots" adding white to the previous mix, using the "sponge tecnhnique" - it consists of rip out a small part of a sponge (the sponge /foam that comes as protection for Figures is perfect) making highlights over the previous dark base color, this gives a extreme weathering/teared look to the shield
next I I use some tape to make a kind of mask, to do the vertical stripe of the cross
for this I also use the sponge to apply the red paint, so the texture will be the same on the rest of the shield
the result will be something like this, super textured red strip, very irregular
you can work it as you want, darker or more subtile
the picture on the right side is more zoomed, so you can see beter how it looks irregular, but as you can imagine in a 54 mm shield is rather subtile ( the shield here is 2 or 3 times bigger than he is)
Again I use the tape to mask/protect wth I want, and make the horizontal arm of the cross with no pain
The picture on the right shows the sponge and also waht I do before painting the shield - I test it on a piece of paper, until the marks produced have the shapes I want (red dots on the picture) that is the moment you should use it on the shield , avoiding that you deposit too much paint on the shield