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gawd......that is so good Bob. It has come along way since I saw your last photo's.
You have done an excellant job and my hat is off to you. It's out of my league.

I know Bob. I have all the tools but lack the courage. I guess I'm chicken! But who knows what the future may bring. Like an old friend, Henri Lion said, "I paint it like it comes from the box" Maybe I'll dive in and do some simple task's first.

I think it is more stubborn tenacity than courage. I think you should try. I started last year and while it is not really any easier I do know more about what I am doing than I did before. Also my appreciation of commercial sculpting has been greatly enhanced. People like Gordy, John Long, Gary D., Leigh Coote and others have also been very inspirational and their openness to share is of immeasurable help. I hope this site brings more "inspiration" my way.
Great work Bob, the whole concept is fantastic, it should be a great piece when you're finished, did you have any pictures to work from ?
You're practice roadway looks pretty good, look forward to some more updates.
The following is a picture of the specific model Taxi I built. Those two pictures essentially are the basis of the whole thing. The rest is imagination I guess.
I have never seen the car other than the picture nor did I have any plans. I really wish I had had plans since it would have saved me a lot of trial and error. I still see many problems but would have to rebuild it all over from scratch to get it perfect. However, for the sake of the overall piece I think the point is made.

Maybe next I will build a Graef and Stift touring car:


It was the car Archduke Ferdinand was riding in with his wife Sophia when he was assassinated by Gavrilo Princip. It is completely restored and on display in the Heeresgeschichtliches Museum in Vienna.
i would think so, would the scribing be done whilethe putty is soft or cured? or a mix of both? also you could probably use a squarish blunt tool to press in random cobble stones so they are at differing elevations (while the putty is still semi-soft)..
I scribed the pattern while it was about 2/3rds cured and then when set scribed some more and went over the whole thing with a wire brush and then painted it. I might try pressing in some of the stones as you suggest to make it more uneven.
Bob, I did a walkway on my wino/paratrooper that was done with putty. Will you be in Chicago this weekend? I'll show you how mine turned out, and describe the process I used.
Bob, only having that photo to work from, you've certainly captured the look of the thing. Your next project looks like it will be a big undertaking as well.
Leigh, not sure about the Sarajevo dio but it is in the back of my mind. I would have to capture the likenesses of a number of people and that alone could be quite daunting. More so than scratch building the car I would think. However, I think it could be a very unique piece.

Actually, my next project after this is either going to be of something from the 1900 Boer War or something from the Russo Japanese War. Both are very compelling subjects to me. Not sure as of yet what the specific scenes will be as they must capture some essential aspect of those conflicts that creates a natural dramatic story.

Before the Taxi project I had intended to do a dio of De Neuville's rendition of the Seige of Longbayou Gate from the Franco Prussian War but got beaten to it by an absolutely wonderful rendition by Francesco Terlizzi. You may have seen it as it was on the cover of a recent Soldatini Magazine and was shown at EuroMilitarie last year. He had also done a marvelous dio of Tel El Kebir from another of de Neuville's paintings.

In any case I seem more and more to be drawn into these type of complex vignettes. Ah, to go back to painting single figures
Bob, I need to master the single figures first before I'm ready to tackle anything like you're working on. :)
I've recently taken a bit of an interest in the boer war 1900 and have started a figure of a british infantryman though I need to finish the other figure I've got going before I get to involved. It seems to be a very much neglected subject.

Not sure that I have seen either of the Terlizzi works as I don't get the soldatini mag.
Leigh, from what I have seen of your pieces I would say you have mastered the single figure already.

Have you ever seen Horan's Boer war piece about SpionKop? It is this one and I think it is outstanding for so many reasons: