finally..another step
Oh... Finally ...a moment to paint!

thanks Louis,Wendy,Jason,Excatlon,Ray,Marcel and 湘雅学子 !
Finally..another step! ( ...sorry but in this perdiod I'm very busy

.. )
I have assembled the model.
for the white I have used a mix of white,black and uniform English.
More white for the lights , more black + uniform english for the shadows.
Extreme shadows with black very diluted.
the metals ... I work them polishing the metal of the miniature, using after the oil's colors (black and blue for the sword,black blue and a brown for the all armour) and the printer inks ( I hope that the definition of this colors is correct..) for the light.
...many details are still to finish up ...
The mantle is still to end, I have begun to work lights and shades..
I hope that you like, comments and critics are welcome!
regards from Italy and... happy painting on pF!