WIP The British are coming!!. 40mm 23Rd. Foot Royal welsh 1781


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And the Redcoats re-inforcements have arrived!.
I decided to use the Army painter color primer Dragon Red, i just walked into my man cave (garage), saw the spray can and said to myself why not?
It gives the figures a nice mid-dark red tone , i let it dry and then i wash the coats with GW carrobourg crimson, that is a great deep dark rich red to bring the tone of the coat a tad dark and deposit the darkest pigments on the creaces.
i will start the faces tomorrow.
Hello folks, i received today the 2 officers flagbearers from triangle miniatures (front rank figs) here in the US.
I ordered 2 of the same and made slight modificatiins to one of them.
i clipped the head off on one of them, and reaced for spare head without hat that i bought from front rank.
And cut it the top hilt of the sword on the scabbard, added only the blade from another spare sword i had and made the proper modification on it.
the result make sme very happy since such a slight and quick modification resembles an almost entirely different figure.
i am awaiting the flags from Flagdude.
Hello folks,
the flags from flag dude arrived yesterday.
Nothing wrong with the flags but i decided to create a more stand out look on the flags and paint them over.
the y are almost ready, just few touch ups and the flags and officers and will place them on the battlefield.
Excellent Daniel, or in our vernacular - a bloody bonzer effort. How big is this diorama going to be?


Thanks Chris!
the diorama comprise 4 panels of 12"x 12" ( each of the 4 panels), so, yes, it'ds a little big but not as much as some war game tables i've seen.