A Fixture
Hi there MM,
This is looking great everywhere I look there are lovely details ...the flags are my real favourite .
Each figure has his own particular character all adding to the diorama
Just how big is this all going to be when finished ?
Thanks for sharing
Hi Nap, thanks for your comments.
the whole scene consist of 4 individual panels of 12x12 inches each panel.
every panel has a different thing going on but all of them are part of the whole scene.
this dio represents the early days of the siege, where the french trooos were marching to their final battle positions while the regiment of Touraine (white coats with pink facigs) charged the 23rd Foot positions on a diversionary attack to allow further earthworks construction for the siege and artillery .
I have 3 panels relatively finished, the 4th it will have the artillery and 2 regiments marching.
best regards