WIP "THE FLAG"75 mm figure, Chef de Bataillion, Tirailleurs Algeriens 1870, box art for Ellie´s Miniatur


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juan antonio perez

Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2013
Hello friends
I have been working on this figure last week but I could not post photos, The figure is almost finished but I have decided starting with the flag
Well, I have finished the front part of the flag on three colors, but the most important and the true reason for this post is giving some advices for painting the letters on
You must have keep on mind some important steps.
first, you must be very patient when you start letters, they are very very good sculpted and you must paint them with the greatest realism you can, be patient please
second, the letters must be outlined, this is a hard process but is essential for the final result, so you have to paint all the letters on a dark color like I made on the golden ribbons in the blue uniform of the officer, remember the last post and follow theses steps, painting on a dark coilor like you were drawing the letter on the flag. This dark color will help you, it will be a oultine and it will be a good base for apply the real gold color. painting golden color over dark tone is easier than painting over grey primmer.
I´ll get two advantage with dark tone, outlines and a good base for golden real color.
The dark tone is a mix of matt brown and black.
Well I post photos, they are not good photos but they show you what i want to explain with my poor english LOL:unsure:.
Please be free of asking what you want.
Thamks and I´ll back with letters more advanced


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Hi Juan what can I say other than WOW!! that is coming along very well indeed. I know It's the box art for Ellie's Miniatures but credit were credits due this is going to look stunning. can't wait to see him finished.

I have followed your gold painting on a figure I'm doing at the moment and have to say it works very well with a bit of work.

Keep it up my friend it's a good step by step thanks.


Hi Juan thanks mate. no it's another figure that I've been working on for a while and finally picked up the brushes to get him finished been a long job. I still have about four projects i'm working on but have put them on hold to concentrate on Ellie's miniatures. but was inspired to get the gold work done after seeing what you had done.

I have seen two of the officer at my club and they looked great. full of color so now looking forward to seeing this one done my friend.


