Hello again
After many hours of hard work the flag is finished
Thanks to everybody for the interest and following this painting process
All comments are welcome, if you want to know something just ask!
This certainly has given me something to aim for when I get around to painting this figure I'm banished from my room to accommodate visiting family until next week!
Thanks for all the great pictures, Juan
Great Job !
And for all a scarces original documents of the French Tirailleurs !
Specificity of the bodies of Algerian infantry (shared with Spahis), the officer corps is composed of native officers, to the rank of lieutenant. They wear a specific outfit: jacket and vest Arabic form in sky blue cloth, decorated with braids and gold stripes (full dress) or black silk. Grades Hungarian shaped knots on the sleeves. Arab pants sky blue cloth, in fact often neglected in favor of pants decorated with black silk chamarrures. Fez and turban, soft boots in black patent leather. Why not the future figure from Ellie's ?
Boisselier drawings depicting Algerian infantry in 1870
The Eagle
For the flag there is no original image remains only the Eagle 1 Turco, the flag burned at Sedan in 1870 so it does not fall into the hands of the Prussians. A few days earlier, the Eagle had charged the battles of Wissembourg and Freschwiller.
That flag is amazing the colour bands are STUNNNG especially the white one ...all of it shows great detail and a trembly high level of skill ..well done