The janissary


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Hello Stephan, Thank you my friend for following my step by steps, although at times I imagine they may be a bit long and tiresome.
I usually start my research about two weeks before and continue it while I progress through the step by step of the actual painting of the figure.

I use the Library, the Internet and my own reference books that I have accumulated over the years; I find the research almost as enjoyable as painting the figure.
By the way your English is very good, I do understand it.

Keep up the good work


Hello Roc,

I follow your SBS. You invited Guy to paint together. I hope he takes the opportunity to do so.
I wouldt see how the two figure's turn out.
Then we all can see what a good painters your both are.
I hope Guy is doing it.

Yes......Guy got out the Janissary and will clean up and file tonight. After priming and the flesh is done, I shall post some pictures. My camera should be back by then as my wife has it in Budapest.
Hello Marc, I'm glad you talked Guy into it, he is a good painter, and I'm also looking forward to seeing guy's version of the Janissary. ;)


Roc. :)
Hey Guy, that's great, I'm looking forward to seeing version of the Janissary,I know you will do a great job. ;)

Keep up the good work.


Roc. :)

Head of the Newly Recruited Janissaries

Newly Recruited Janissaries

Water Carrier in the Janissary Corps


Newly Recruited Janissary

Janissary Officer of Low Rank

Sailor of a Sailing Warship

Fireman in the Janissary Corps
Hey guys, I just finished painting the Janissary’s pantaloon, It is now drying in the oven, time permitting I'll post some pictures by mid week.


Roc :)
Ottoman Empire:

The main institution in the Ottoman Empire was the army, which was put together of both Turkish cavalry called sipahis, and financed by grants of government revenues, and from the middle of the 14th century slave soldiers, called kapikulli. The extension of the army with kapikulli was necessary as the there were not available troops among the Turks.
While it is correct to call the kapikulli slaves, they were not mistreated slaves in the Western sense of the word. Most of them were Christian youths from the Balkans that had been taken from their families at an early age, and taken through education and training. In many circumstances, the members of the kapikulli represented the elite in the society, even if they were slaves — the property of the sultan. It was f.x. kapikulli troops that formed the famous janissary infantry which was famous for its military skills.
The administration of the society had 3 main parts: The sultan's household; departments administered by the Grand Vizier; Muslim religious institutions which were in charge of law and education.
The empire was divided into military districts ruled by officials. These were in charge of putting together the armies of free Turks, as well as raising money and supplies for the kapikulli troops. The districts were also in charge of constructing roads and bridges in order to facilitate warfare.
COOL UPDATE,Roc (y) ! Thanks for posting it ! I'll be looking forward to the next step in your SBS( both the painting aspect and the research portion) Cheers !
Kenneth :lol:
Hey Roc,VERY NICE job on the pantaloons (y) ! I can't wait to see the final result once the paints dry and the final touches are added.Cheers !
Kenneth :lol:
Hey Roc,
Nice job on the red! I could see this as either a madder or kermes dye since either could have been used.

Superb choice of colours. Red not being the easiest of colours, you have done a wonderfull job. Can't wait to see this one progress.


Hello Gary,thanks, I appreciate it that.

I tried to portray it as a madder dye,I hope I succeded.

I used the following procedure for painting the red:

A- I undercoated the Pantaloons with an acrylic medium red to which I added just a little violet.

B- Base = Cadmium red deep wit just a touch of touch of Allizarin crimson.

c- Medium shade = Allizarin crimson.

D- Deep shades = Medium shade plus a little bit of purple.

E- extreem shades = Dark green (COMPLIMENTARY COLOR)

C - medium highlights = Cadmium red deep + Cadmium red light.

E - High highlights = Cadmium red I applied to the folds of the upper half of the Pantallons.


Roc :)
Due to its great extent, the Ottoman Empire consisted of numerous peoples, of which Turks represented just one of several larger minorities. In general, the peoples of a region were left to their own devices, and the empire imposed little in terms of language and culture. The only exception was the conscription for the kapikulli.
Estimates for urban dwellers are as low as 15% of the total population. Of the majority living in the countryside, a substantial part were nomads and semi-nomads.


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