The Minuteman, 1775 - A.C.M.A.S. "I Normanni"


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Great looking figure. And particularly like the coat color. Suits this character very well I think.

a forum that claims to be international
it is actually just a local forum.
people who can not understand often offend, it is shocking that everyone always say the same platitudes.
you have lost the ability to see just because you are too busy to pray and worship.
I prefer wolves to the sheep
I am new to the forum, so first I had to make the sheep, sorry but russia does notwaste time in useless words
maybe what do you need is to think well before make those comments, even is your english is not good, you are a New member with a bad introduction. Is Ok if you don't like Cartacci's figures, but is not ok to say words like, bad painting, boring, gross, etc. Looks rude and bad critics, speacially for a painter like Cartacci, a big influence for many memebers of this forum, even me.

I do not think like you! so I'm a troll?
so his forum is full of trolls or servants!
Hi Kazuc, I think what has happened is unfortunate and as you can see not everyone is in agreement with some of the childish reaction (What's a Troll anyway-play ground talk). It is refreshing to hear some honest opinion and you are entitled to speak your mind on the forum, yes, you will get a hostile reaction sometimes if you tread on some sensitive areas, but that is part of the territory, if you dish it out then be prepared to take it! It would be a shame to lose you, there are many positives on this and other forums.

I do notthinklike you!so I'ma troll?
so hisforumis fullof trolls or servants!

You don't understand, if you are a new member saying this kind of words to Cartacci's works of course if a trolling comment, don't try to be a victim now, as I said it before if you don't like Cartacci's figures is Ok, but attacking a painter in this way for me is trolling.
a forum thatclaims tobe international
it is actually justa local forum.
peoplewho can notunderstandoftenoffend,it is shockingthat everyonealways saythe sameplatitudes.
you have lostthe ability to seejust because you aretoo busyto prayand worship.
I preferwolvestothe sheep
I amnew to the forum, so firstIhad to makethe sheep, sorrybutrussiadoes notwaste timein uselesswords

Dear Dances with wolves,

I know you are short on time but here's a word I've found usefull in situations like this.

Hmmm, I dunno Kazuc. I've been on a lot of various forums over the years and this one is easily the most diplomatic and typically tolerates the healthiest amount of dialogue I've seen. All are certainly entitled to their opinions of course. I'm having trouble wedding some of your observations re: the figure in question with reality in this case though. Asking me to believe this is a tired looking and badly painted mini feels like asking me to believe his (really nice looking :whistle: ) coat is blue and not brown.

Despite the shaky start here, I do hope you decide to stick around and share some of your things with us. More the merrier and all that. Don't know what your current skill level is, but many of us are truly amateur painters looking for feedback and for inspiration in the work of others.

You don't understand, if you are a new member saying this kind of words to Cartacci's works of course if a trolling comment, don't try to be a victim now, as I said it before if you don't like Cartacci's figures is Ok, but attacking a painter in this way for me is trolling.
for me are trolls who think they know more than others
Hm, so now this thread has cost PF at least one 'net member'.... Mr Silic may leave (but he also just subscribed), as will Johan Kees. That's a lot of colateral damage triggered by one individual's post.

Curiously, these threads seem to be very appealing to many people (including myself, I admit), ref the large number of posts. We mortals seem to like conflict.

Maybe this is the moment to exchange some hugs, bring back peace to the planet and return to our benches to create the work we can show each other in new, more useful threads.

Kazuc, Johan, I hope you will focus on the added value of the planet instead of on the occasional strife. In the end it's each one's own decision how to spend/waste one's spare time however. It's a free planet, one could say...

Gordy, could locking this dicussion be a good idea? It's does not really address the Minuteman release anymore.

Such a shame that a new member has had to endure so much verbal garbage and abuse just for expressing an opinion, I'm ashamed to be a part of it I think I'll join Johan.

The silence is deafening.

It's a shame we've had a couple of regular contributors threaten to quit over this deal. Standing back and looking at things from a healthy distance we had a new visitor come on here with all sorts of outrageous observations and we are apparently so PC now, we cannot allow ourselves to defend common sense and reality for the sake of free speech. The world really is round after all and wreaking havoc is wreaking havoc too.

Other than a half-baked apology, all we've had since the big debut is this victim playing posture and blaming plain old rude and obnoxious behavior on speaking English as a second language. I'd be annoyed as hell right now if I was one of the many other non-primarily English speaking members on PF.

Now he won't really engage in any sort of substantial dialogue which is also very telling I think.
And FWIW I don't know the painter or sculptor of this piece nor do I feel compelled to defend them personally from fair criticism.

Sure hope Keith and Johan decide to stick around after all as it truly does not seem like a cause worth splitting over.....
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