Review "The Scramble" Part 2 from Altores Studio


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to all

As we have seen Altores produce interesting and subjects not seen amongst these was the depiction of a Masai warrior being attacked by a lion , I reviewed this here:


They have now added a continuation group to go with it , this was announced here by Altores here:


As explained in my first review of part 1 , the Masai are cattle farmers and will roam many a kilometre finding pasture of the dangers is the taking of cattle by predators .....

The story in my mind behind these 2 sets is that whilst out in the savannah the group have disturbed a lion who has killed a wildebeest and was feeding on the animal .......the masai tried to frighten the lion but in desperation and protecting his kill the lion attacked one of them and a violent and maybe lethal scramble ensued .....

This latest grouping has 2 warriors trying to help their fellow warrior in his battle for life against the king of the beasts .......on the ground the wildebeest lies half eaten ...a testament to the lions hunger.

Here we have a couple of reference pictures for more go to the 1st part review using the link above.





Continued in next post

Lets look in the box

Details of the release

Title: The Scramble ( Part 2 )

Reference; F-54-047

Scale: 54mm or 1/32nd

Material: Gray Resin

No of pieces: 11

Sculptor: Stepan Nikolaev

Box Art: Ilya Fedorov

General Comments

  • Parts are packed in clear bags and between foam layers
  • The quality of the resin is excellent holding the details very well
  • Sculpting is a very high standard and matching the previous set and all the other releases in skill.
  • Parts are well engineered particularly the fit of the warriors
  • Box art is on the top of the white cardboard container ( with the yellow Altores text work ) ...a good starting reference for you
  • Prep is minimal ( see below )
Masia 001.jpg
Parts consist of 2 warriors ( each made up of 2 parts , 2 spears , 2 shields , the wildebeest , and 2 bases ( you will note these are shaped like the country of Africa ...a nice addition and thought from the team at Altores )

Masia 003.jpg
Masia 002.jpg


Warriors.... Small casting remnants to remove when fitting pieces together in addition to a small plug from one of the hands and cloak
Spears...Tiny casting excess from side and end to cut away
Shields...Cut away the casting post from edge
Wildebeest...Remove casting plugs from feet and tail ( delicate so be careful)
Bases..Remove Excess resin pieces from underneath
We will look at the Warriors in this part with the remainder in the next .


We have 2 in the set both in action poses one just about to throw a spear ( having a cloak around the shoulders ) the other seconds behind him in doing the same.
These comments apply to both
  • They are both in action poses and full of high quality details .
  • Poses are one pushing off one foot the other running legs astride
  • The muscle definition on all parts of the figures is excellent
  • The Clothing has great folds and all sit naturally
  • Shields fit by means of a small peg on the back of the hand
  • Facial features of both are exquisite one shouting the other mouth closed
  • Hands and feet work are equally as nice and a pleasure to look at
  • Details include beads , ear rings and ankle bracelets...all finely worked
  • The hair is of particular note styled as they have it , there are 2 versions one a large style the other a small grouping of 3
The 1st figure

Masia 004.jpg Masia 005.jpgMasia 006.jpgMasia 007.jpgMasia 008.jpg
Masia 009.jpg
Masia 010.jpgMasia 011.jpgMasia 012.jpg

The 2nd figure

Masia 013.jpgMasia 014.jpgMasia 015.jpgMasia 016.jpgMasia 017.jpg
Masia 018.jpgMasia 021.jpg

Masia 022.jpg Masia 019.jpgMasia 020.jpg

Continued in next post

On to the remaining pieces

The Wildebeest

This is a sculpt that shows us the true life on the savannah where survival depends on food no matter if animal or human .....

  • The carcase is lying on its side the head is slightly angled forward , the long straggling mane hanging now lifeless under the head and neck
  • The skin taunt and textured
  • The back legs positioned at an awkward angle the tail is lying away from the animal
  • The lion has obviously been busy we have exposed ribs and backbones
  • The intestines , colon and stomach are all shown
  • The details of the head are very good , tongue hanging out
  • The legs are spindly with good hoof sculpting
The sculpt is one of sadness at the demise of s beautiful animal but one which shows the circle of life well , it offers a good painting challenge for all the open carcase organs etc and the sculpting is tastefully and accurately done
Masia 027.jpg

Masia 026.jpgMasia 030.jpgMasia 028.jpg
Masia 025.jpgMasia 029.jpg
The spears are again as in the first set well done , delicate so be a little careful , the hands of the figures are wonderfully worked to hold these
Masia 024.jpg
The shields are again well sculpted , correct i shape of course , both display nice texturing on the fronts with the backs having the strengthening bar running top to bottom in the middle we have a cut out , one square the other a circle matching the individual figures you cant go wrong when fitting ....another good example of the Altores thinking here.
Masia 023.jpg

2 were provided both for the figures ,no base was in the review box for the animal itself ( one is shown on the box art )

Both of the bases are as stated shaped like the continent of Africa which I like a lot , both are textured and both have fitment cutouts matching the appropriate post on the figures as when fitting the shields.

When used another nice look is added to the set

Masia 031.jpgMasia 032.jpg

Masia 033.jpg Masia 034.jpg

Final Thoughts

This is a fine looking set of figures and one which could easily be displayed on its own , or of course with the 1st set , you could of course also incorporate the figures into a larger diorama .
Sculpting is excellent and packed full of details , packaging and presentation very good indeed and the release adds anew dimension to the first set and indeed both compliment each other .

Again another release I have no hesitation in giving round of applause and a pat on the back to the Altores team


For details on this and more from them :

E-mail: [email protected]


They are also a member of FaceBook and the forum here on PF

Thanks to for the review piece

And to you all for looking in

Happy Modelling
