PlanetFigure Supporter
Hello Pfer's,
Back onto the brushes with another sculpting commission, this time it's of The Spiv. So far the figure has had the tonal undercoating and a couple of layer's of the Jo Sonja's olive green and Vallejo Mahogany Brown. With the face it's the base of Vallejo Beige Red and then some shading of Mahogany brown, and German Black Brown and of course some Jo Sonja's white for highlights.
When doing the hair line I like to try and mix the flesh base of beige red with the predominant hair base colour to 'blur' and transition those colours for a natural hair line. I've found in the past that it tends to be a to distinct line and harsh contrast which almost resembles a wig, an unnatural look.
Still more to do on the face with further blend etc
Thanks for looking

Back onto the brushes with another sculpting commission, this time it's of The Spiv. So far the figure has had the tonal undercoating and a couple of layer's of the Jo Sonja's olive green and Vallejo Mahogany Brown. With the face it's the base of Vallejo Beige Red and then some shading of Mahogany brown, and German Black Brown and of course some Jo Sonja's white for highlights.
When doing the hair line I like to try and mix the flesh base of beige red with the predominant hair base colour to 'blur' and transition those colours for a natural hair line. I've found in the past that it tends to be a to distinct line and harsh contrast which almost resembles a wig, an unnatural look.
Still more to do on the face with further blend etc
Thanks for looking