Review The Stoner from Pathos Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to all on this planet that "ROCKS" ,

You ask anyone to name a band from the 1960/1970's that have had an impact on the music scene and indeed attitude to music and more than likely they will say The Rolling Stones , who along with Bowie , Led Zep , T Rex , The Who and others who were part of my growing up andhave always been in my music collection starting with those long forgotten plastic discs called records and now CD's.

The lead singer is of course the visual performer and none so more than Michael Philip Jagger ..better known as Mick Jagger , with that distinctive face and of course the lips which became the idea for the logo of the band , born in 1943 , knighted by the Queen , he and the band have had a long and often controversial life together both musically and in private life .

One of the best songs IMO was Satisfaction from the 1965 album Out of our Heads the opening 2 lines being "I can't get no satisfaction" ......................

well now you can as Pathos Miniatures have released a bust which has a similarity and might be based on the man himself

Stones 001.jpg

We will continue rocking in the next post!!!!

Right now we go , all plugged in we are live

What are we looking at :

Title: The Stoner

Scale: 1/10th

Material: Resin

No of Parts: 8

Sculpted by using 3D programmes

Box Art:Not available

If you want to look at the way this release was progressed then follow these links to Andreas's ( from Pathos) WIP

The bust is the first that Andreas will hopefully be producing in his Music Legends , the aim is to emulate the energy and inspiration that these musical icons had on the generation growing up at the time .

The bust was received in a very strong black box with the contents inside being held securely in resealable bags and then surrounded by bubble wrap .

On the box top we have a very nice image of the unpainted bust Stones 001.jpg

Pieces in the review model consist of the torso, the head, 2 hands 2 arms, a top hat and the microphone and also a section of the actual stand , there is no mike wire but this wire is easily made using fuse wire or rolled magisculpt .
Stones 002.jpg

Note that in the 3D images there is another mike stand and the wire

Prep the torso ...ZERO , head ...a little bit of sanding on the base of the neck, allowing the hair to sit onto the shoulders , arms ...ZERO,hat ....ZERO , hands....sanding of small remnants from the wrist end allowing full fit into the arms , mike and stand ...ZERO as you can see its a very simple and quick process getting him ready for the stage.:)

Looking at the Torso , our man is wearing a sleeve less vest , clinging to the body , really nice folds and movement on the material , on the front we have a tongue logo , similar to the Stones one , this I like ...LOTS great opportunity to go wild and personalise the clothing with any design you want making your display rock!!
the neck area is nicely formed ready to receive the head.
Stones 003.jpgStones 005.jpg
The Head ..I LOVE its (y)(y) this is a great likeness using the 3D techniques , but with care and equally as much skill as traditional sculpting, the facial features have him in full action belting out the song in his own energetic and loud way , the eyes and nose are great with the mouth wide open revealing the teeth and tongue and of course the lips are there!! , the jowls of the face and lines seen in pictures are well formed and accurate.
Hair (happy memories for me!!:whistle: ) is flowing and long touching his lower neck and the top of the vest when fitted , the locks of hair are nicely done, on the top of the head which has been cast with the top half off ready to receive the hat .
Stones 020.jpgStones 017.jpgStones 019.jpgStones 018.jpgStones 021.jpg
The Hat now this is the top hat variety seen being worn by the singer during various tours , the shape is good with no filler needed when fitted to the head , there is no design on it which allows the painter to do as he wishes ..perhaps with the stars and stripes as in picture in previous post...when fitted it beings the head to life even more.
Stones 016.jpgStones 015.jpgStones 013.jpg
Stones 014.jpg
Now to the Arms these fit well into the torso , no filler needed , wonderful muscle definition ...typically like the singer himself , the wrists have bands round them , again plain so these could be any colour .
Stones 008.jpgStones 009.jpg
The Hands , fit into the arms are excellent no filler again , the fingers are really well worked , the right gripping the microphone when fitted , the left in a action pose , fingers wide apart .
Stones 010.jpgStones 011.jpg
Finally the Microphone and Stand , both are well cast , fit of the mike to the hand is good with the stand having a grip to take the mike but be careful its delicate ...then all you need to do is fit a wire lead , turn up the volume and SATISFACTION is yours .
Stones 012.jpg
Final Thoughts

This is a great release from Pathos , I really hope we see others in the series ...BOWIE would be my choice next in his Ziggy Stardust days !! Presentation and casting are of a very high quality as with other products from Pathos (I will have more to follow from them) .

A great model and subject which adds a great variety to the display cabinet ......and brings back a lot of memories for me ...often quite blurred and hazy!!!....if you know what I mean;)

Recommended to all modellers ROCK ON Guys

For more information on this and other releases from Pathos go to their website at:

or e mail to:

[email protected]

Thanks to Andreas at Pathos for the review piece and for you all visiting the thread.


...rocking away in the corner!!!
Great review on a great subject. Having bought two of Pathos commando busts I can testify to the quality & engineering of these 3D rendered pieces.

Now Ozzy with a Bat!!! Yes.

Thanks for the review Nap. Just wondering if you think the top hat sits down enough on the head as I think it looks like it sits on the hair and would not stay on. Hard to see from the photos but the hat just doesn't seem to fit onto the head properly
Hi Tony ,

Thanks for the comment , the hat does sit a little high and is a solid piece but does not look out of place IMO but you raise a good point .

Tempted to get this one on the bench

I wonder if the Rolling Stones have licensed this model. I expect that they guard their image rights very seriously and would hate to see such good work brought down by this. I love the idea of models of musicians and sports personalities too, but where the subject is still alive you have to be so careful. For what it's worth, I would like to see Jim Morrison or Jimi Hendrix (showing my age too, but saw both live), and as full figures rather than halves.