A Fixture
I would like to tell you all of a most amazing transaction I had a couple of days ago with Nuno aka Blue Thunder . Nuno has a number of items for sale in the Market and Commision section . I was keen on getting the Amiti 120 mm figure , so after sending a PM to Nuno asking for paypal details I received an reply back from Nuno saying he was very sorry but he has only just noticed that the war club is missing from the kit and would I please accept the figure and postage FOC . to amend for this lapse .
Now the war club is not the hardest thing to reproduce , so I emailed back saying I would wish to pay something towards the kit and the postage but Nuno was insistent that I have FOC .
Anyway to cut many emails short I'm getting the kit foc and Nuno will contact me for a base in the near future
And while I'm on I would also like to mention Steve Readdie who recently made me 3 Lewis gun barrels FOC for a 1/35 WW1 tank I'm in the middle of making ( the ones in the kit were sh-t ) .
As there are some figures involved in this project I may get round to posting some pictures
A big thanks Steve
Now the war club is not the hardest thing to reproduce , so I emailed back saying I would wish to pay something towards the kit and the postage but Nuno was insistent that I have FOC .
Anyway to cut many emails short I'm getting the kit foc and Nuno will contact me for a base in the near future
And while I'm on I would also like to mention Steve Readdie who recently made me 3 Lewis gun barrels FOC for a 1/35 WW1 tank I'm in the middle of making ( the ones in the kit were sh-t ) .
As there are some figures involved in this project I may get round to posting some pictures
A big thanks Steve