Thraex Gladiator


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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2005
Hi all,

I like you to show my Thraex Gladiator which I am painting for the moment. The whole figure has received its undercoat in acryl paints, just waiting for the oils.
I deliberately choose dark colours to offer a little bit of a change because most of the time gladiators are painted in a dashing colour scheme. The only contrasts will be the white striping on the loin cloth and the egaly white feathers on both sides of his helmet (not shown). Maybe I will stage him with a Retiarius which will be painted in more brighter colours to create a contrast between the two figures.

I hope the photos are good because this is my first try to incorporate photos made with my recently purchased digital camera (yes there are still digital rookies!).

When everything goes fine I will post every step in the painting proces.

Cheers ;)


front side

back side
Thanks Guy and Edson. Now you are pressing me to paint faster, but i'm such a slow worker! The Retiarius is already cleaned up and waits for the priming, though. I shall have to make some deadline here. :)

Dear PF friends,

I finished the skin tones with oils.
Colours used:
- flesh tint (W&N)
- Naples yellow (W&N)
- Venetian red (RE)
- Titanium white (RE)
- Ivory black (W&N)
- Brown madder alizarine (W&N)
- cadmium red (W&N)

I hope you like the result.



Great work Johan,

I hope to see him in life in august. I got to make a vacation in austria the next three weeks.
So i know you are a real slow painter, but it is possible to get him finished when i get back. :lol: :lol:
Thanks for the compliments Guy.
Can you explain why the photos from my first post disappeared as soon as I posted the next ones?

Marc, I'll try to finish him during your absence. I myself have just another week's work before me. Then my colleages will have to do without me for a month which they'll manage pretty well I reckon! Hope to have lots of time to paint.

Have a save journey and enjoy your vacation!

Hello Johan,

I am not familiar with photobucket as I am with kitpic. I would suggest you edit that posting.....deleat the image code............and re-copy/paste the image codes again. Hope this helps.
Hi Guy,

I followed your instructions and it worked. Must have done something wrong when I posted part 2 of the painting process.

