To much figure for a "new" guy?


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Oct 25, 2005
Hello all I started painting figures when I was about 12 or 13 years old and from then until I was about 15 completed perhaps 8 to 10 figures or so before other pririties took over. In no particular order the "other priorities where girls, cars, military service, beer, women, college, more beer and women, a career in government service, marrage, 2 kids, and assorted family pets. Now at the age of 41 I find myself drawn back to the hobby of my youth. I have taken a look at many figures in the 75mm to 120mm scales and find myself very attracted to the "thumbs down" 2 gladiator figure set made by Andrea. My question is am I being to ambitious with these figures considering I have been out of the hobby for so long? Any opinions are most welcome, thanks in advance!
Hi Mike. Welcome to PF. I personally would not hesitate buying what you like. Since they are from Andrea, the figures are white metal or resin so if you are not happy with the paint job you do, simply strip it by soaking it in Pinesol or automotive break fluid and paint it again. If you are like me, I end up kicking myself for not getting the figures that I kind of had my heart set on first and eventually get them anyway.

Good luck and have fun!
Welcome to Pf.

If you like them go ahead. As long as you enjoy it. Or you could buy them and set them aside until you've built up your confidence and experience with a couple of cheaper/easier figs.

Mikek, give it a go. The only thing with the figure you mentioned, is that there's a lot of flesh to paint. But if you like it go for it.
Welcome to PF,
Hello Mike
Welcome to the Planet. I would say go for what interests you. There are plenty of members on this forum with a wealth of knowledge that are willing to help when it comes to painting and assembly techniques, you can also search the forum for information, usually you can find what you want but if not just ask.
Ambition is ot a bad thing,every new figure I start is going to be my best yet - just don't get discouraged when results don't match expectation - that's the trick
Thank you all for the replies and encourgement. I have admired many of your works and would be happy if I could produce a figure that was even half as good as some of the outstanding peices posted on the Planet. Roberto when I first started painting figures back in the 1980's I came over from the plastic model side of the fence so most of my figures where 54mm and I used Pactra and Testors type hobby paints. At that time I had no idea about shadows, highlites, or blending etc. Latter I discovered larger scales and began to read up on the art and technique of painting from various Model magazines, and books and studying the works and writings of such masters as Bob Knee, Shepard Paine, and many others who's names escape me after so many years. I learned that most of the big names where using oils but that medium intemedated me at the time. Tamaya had just came out with their acrylic paint line and I began using them to paint my first 75mm and 90mm figures. Now many painters are using the acrylic paint ranges and producing amazing figures with them...I like to think I was ahead of my time :) I was leaning towards acrylics but am open to all suggestions I have to buy everything I will need for the most part from scratch although I do have some Vallejo Acrylics that I purchased a few months ago to help my daughter with a school project so I do have to make a decesion regarding piant type in the near future. Any newer "how to" painting books any one wants to recommend would also be appreciated. Shadows and highlites came easy to me blending was always a skill that I lacked and it shows on the few surviving figures I have from my teen painting years. Again everyone thank you very much for your time and comments you really make the new guy feel welcomed here!
Hi Mike
My suggestion is that you start in54mm. You could use Vallejo Acrilycs Thinned with distilled water and maybe buy yourself the Danilo Cartacci 's book.
Hi Mike. Welcome to PF. I personally would not hesitate buying what you like. Since they are from Andrea, the figures are white metal or resin so if you are not happy with the paint job you do, simply strip it by soaking it in Pinesol or automotive break fluid and paint it again. If you are like me, I end up kicking myself for not getting the figures that I kind of had my heart set on first and eventually get them anyway.

Good luck and have fun!

Couldn't agree more with that. I think you should buy whatever fascinates you the most no matter what the size or previous experience are. I personally love getting drawn into the figure mounting it as soon as possible, just looking at it from different angles or even making a story about it before start painting.(the latter troubles me the most :p). But really how can you put in a 100% in a figure that doesnt intruige you. So my suggestion is go for it with no second thoughts!!!
Well I guess I am of the "old school" in that I use oils. I love oils and find them very easy to use. I have tried acrylics but just couldnt master the layering technique. If you want to give oils a shot, look on the Historicus forma web site and watch craig whitakers video on oil painting for figures. Its free and I learned so much from watching it and my skill grows by leaps and bounds with each figure I finish. I would suggest giving both a try and see what works for you. Oil paints can be expensive but they last forever and I usually buy a tube every other week and have learned a lot about color mixing. But good luck and post progress pics.
Gentlemen, thank you again for all the replies. I have yet to acquire a figure to work on but have made a few decisions.

I have decided to go no smaller than 75mm to start with as my eyes are not what they use to be.

I have also decided to give oils a try in looking over the basic painting styles employed by painters in both mediums I think oil blending will be easier to master then the layering method used by acrylic painters (as I said in a previous post although I painted with acrylics in my youth and laid in highlights and shadows I never blended or layered).

Having decided to use oils I think a few books are in order to brush up on technique I plan on seeking the following reading material out but welcome any other suggestions.

1) The book by the late Bob Knee I believe the title is color theory and application.

2) 1984 Fine Scale modeler magazine which had an article about painting figures in oils by Bob Knee and one or 2 other authors I believe. I read this article and saved the magazine for a number of years but it is long gone now. I remember it being very comprehensive for those of you familure with this article is it worth trolling for the back issue on Ebay?

Once I have a figure to start on (have my eye on some old Bartons and Series 77 90mm figures on Ebay) I am going to clean her up and then slowly buy the items, brushes and paints I need.

For under coating I recall that polly S paints where popular are these still recommended or will the newer acrylics (Vallejo, Andrea, citadel) work just as well?

Plan on getting good sable brushes and use W/N oil paints (suspect I will be spending some time at the new Michaels craft store which just opened down the street from my house).

Am I forgetting anything? Any other books to recommend etc. etc.

Thanks again for all help and encouragment!
When I have a figure ready to paint, I first primer it with a cheap matte auto primer then basecoat my figures it the appropriate color acrylic as my base undercoat then go to my oils. THe trick here is to make sure that your undercoat doesnt show through your oil paints. Oil paints come in a variety of opacity so you have to watch how your colors look. Remember this sentence if you remember nothing else when it comes to oils
The less, the better!!!!! Oils can go a long long way so you have to put on a thin a coat as possible. this helps in blending and highlighting. Too much base and your shadows or highlights turn to mush. (trust me on this one!!) Again, I suggest watching Craig Whitakers video on Historicus Forma, very good and great pointers on blending. Any other questions you can PM me anytime. Good luck and keep us posted.
I'd just get the best figure you like. I have difficulty getting the right passion for 'practise figures'.

Expensive figures do not have to make the hobby expensive if you avoid getting a 'stash' of unbuilt ones... Buy, paint, only then buy again. (not that I manage to do this or anyone else here probably, but it should be possible...)

Happy modelling!