Mike Stevens
PlanetFigure Supporter
A new record! Critique of a figure not even shown!
The figure of the ALH Trooper is indeed sculpted charging with a bayonet.
A new record! Critique of a figure not even shown!
The figure of the ALH Trooper is indeed sculpted charging with a bayonet.
Excellent painting and presentation!
Beautifull paintwork.
Really like the horse.
Really nice work Mike and the horse is fantastic!
Great job ,beautiful paintwork
A new record! Critique of a figure not even shown!![]()
Looks great! Love the pose and love the horse's coloring.
Hi Mike
Agree about TW products they are quality evn though no more busts ...lol
What to say really except your modelling skills shine on this piece ...love the choice of horse colour
Look forward to seeing more from you
Thank you for sharing
Tommy's war is by far one of the most valuable and indispensable companies in our hobby and certainly a "must" for all WWI lovers.You have certainly done justice to this wonderful piece!!!!Great job indeed.May I ask you to share the palette you have utilised for the horse?
Great work on this fantastic piece Mike.
This is a fantastic figure and you have finished it beautifully.
Well done,
I agree,
Thanks for the comments. I'm not sure what the acrylics pallet was. I kinda just mix paint until I find something works.
Acrylics: My gut tells me is was a mix of Chocolate Brown, Yellow or Brown Ocher with Basic Skin Tone highlight's. Shadows would have been base + German Camo Brown and Black. All Vellejo.
The Oils, Yellow Ocher+Burnt Sienna as the Base, Adding Titanium White for High's; Used Van Dyke Brown and Mars Black for the Shadows. The oils were very thin. Almost the consistency of acrylics. I feel like I have more control with them when they are thin.