Too Much ......?????


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi everyone

Due to what’s been happening personally can’t concentrate on painting atm so decided to throw putty about , this is the head from a very close project originally from Micks Micks ...Royal Irish Rifles ...

....mine won’t be that ....more to come

Meanwhile been working on individualising the head by adding whiskers , reworking the lower nose and the eyes

Question....are the side burns too much honest please

Still to finish the eyes and moustache off !

All comments welcome


Some references I’ve been looking at


72BFBDA0-FAD2-4E98-B323-A101AE89B1D2.jpeg 185F609B-FEB4-4468-ACD0-A3B013D4F49A.jpeg D67E0E64-5955-42ED-8522-487DF86672B0.jpeg ED8DD4CB-E521-4F2D-893F-D461B8985773.jpeg 88CBA34C-A012-413C-838F-C1EB2883D38D.jpeg CDB595A1-2332-4B1C-B4DB-97222A47123A.jpeg

746FBFD5-E608-418F-9937-56D759CD395A.jpeg B830EB87-6052-4EC6-928A-639238294357.jpeg 0AE3ECAE-F54C-49B7-9624-FFD1DD861C4A.jpeg
Looks good to me. C19 had a lot of very prominent sideburns, and yours looks very appropriate.
Best of luck getting past any difficulties you're experiencing in life.
It looks just fine to me, Nap.....the old officer class vied with each other, it seems, to grow luxuriant mutton-chop sideburns and walrus moustaches. They were also known as the "Leonine look"
Hope life improves for you soon, old son.

To be fair. I have given my thoughts on FB. The Bust was dated 1902, he is holding the 1890 Sheepskin busby. In my opinion the facial hair shown above is more 1850/70. Although the work you have put in to it is great, IMHO I dont think the two go. Sorry.
To be fair. I have given my thoughts on FB. The Bust was dated 1902, he is holding the 1890 Sheepskin busby. In my opinion the facial hair shown above is more 1850/70. Although the work you have put in to it is great, IMHO I dont think the two go. Sorry.

Appreciate your comments .......the busby date is the killer so at that time sideburns we’re not often seen so he now has a rather nice moustache and no side

On a positive note it was really good practice for me

Nice collection of reference material there, Kev. Reminds me of old family photographs.
Sometimes those sort of sideburns were called 'Dundrearys' or 'Piccadilly Weepers'. But
in the navy there was a more vulgar term....over which we will draw a veil,,..,eh? Hope all
is well soon

Nice job Nap they did look great, but as you say it’s good practice for you for future projects. Just a question were you thinking of changing the uniform, Headdress just to put it in the period you wanted to model ?

Well what ever you end up doing good luck with always add your personal stamp to bust you do which makes it yours.

Watching with interest .


TFB Miniatures Team
Thank you everyone for the comments

Normal service will eventually be resumed and all will be revealed ref the sculpting

Have a great time at the bench matter what your doing

Nap, I hope you're okay. It looks good to me, what do I know? Anyway, he looks every inch the archetypal Victorian soldier to me. Maybe you're over-thinking it?
It's great you've had so many answers - it's modelling all about.
I have no idea but I would suggest undercoating it so that everything is the same colour - the lighter colour of the additions may make them look bigger relative to the head.....

Hope things in your personal life work out ok for you......
Looking good Nap.

Would suggest to redo the eyebrows though. Curved like this makes him looking surprised. They should be more horizontal towards the bridge of the nose, with a downward ‘hook’ towards the sides of the head.

All to best to you, with what you are dealing with at the moment!
