Let us "rumble with the resin":
Main Figure
As you can see this has been carefully sculpted and cast with the cloak already in place , this is a clever idea and all credit to both sculptor and casting , some might have preferred it separate to allow access for painting others not .
The cloak or
" paenula" which was a heavy wool material and is hooded and full in depth , slightly textured , at the front there is a "hole" this is where the pommel of the sword fits into , the cloak is held together by toggles as we see in references
Under the cloak we have the chain mail vest or
"Lorica Hamata" , as in previous sculpts this is nicely worked , there is a smaller hole ...again for the sword position.
Around the waist there is the belt , simple in style with good buckle detail , cast on we have the sword hangings , sitting naturally in position ready for the sword in its scabbard
Moving down coming out of the mail there is the rough wool garment a little rough at the edges ..perhaps wear and tear !!! , the garment has some nice folds
We now come to the legs...the thighs are very muscular indeed ..obviously he has done a lot of marching and heavy campaigning!!
On the lower legs we have a single greave only on the left , shaped to the leg itself , plain but more than suitable for its purpose .
The right has the bare flesh , again well muscled ...you will see a casting line which needs to be sanded away carefully
Finally onto the feet itself these are in the famous marching boot 0r " caliga" , very nicely detailed with all the straps correct , and all the toes are showing , these are defined well , the underneath obviously have the soles on but no hobnails are there as they don't show when in place on the base
As a matter of interest these boots have been found well preserved particularly at Mainz and has been proven to be very effective albeit needing daily attention to replace hobnails
As in keeping this fellow has muscular arms , the left has the hand open to take the spear shaft , the other has the hand clenched ( with a wrist band , both hands show good finger work , at the top of the arm we have the upper sleeve of his tunic , nice folds , fit to the torso is easy by means of a good sized post into a cutout nicely positioned well into and under the cloak itself.

My favourite part here , this as you see the head cast into the helmet , the style and shape is again as seen in my references with eye pieces in position ( purely for show!!!) at each of the sides of the helmet there is carving in the shape of an animal often depicted in roman life ...the bull...well worked in style as you will note
There is some beading shaping on the helmet with a small neck piece at the rear , on the top we have the "fork" ....like the idea of no plume being fitted ...adding interest to the look .
Facial features are strong , mouth held shut with good on the undercuts on the helmet cheek pieces at the sides , good to see there is easy access to the eyes as well ...must admit he looks a determined soldier if a little miserable ..possibly at the thought of another long march !!!
Hair is long and straggly which hangs loose at the rear of the helmet dropping onto the neck scarf , with good material folds here.

the helmet has a hole each side ready for the .....
2 are provided both individually cast , nice work on the surface , slight flashing to remove but in place they look good
Sword and Spearhead/Shaft
The sword is the typical "gladius" , sculpted in its scabbard, a simple piece not intricate decoration , fit is into the 2 holes on the figure with the small drops on the belt looking like they are holding it in place.
Spear head is a good shape , a little fiddly to fit to the shaft , this is white metal and fits into the hand nicely .

In reality this shield or
"scutum" weighed about 10 kg made of wood glued together , sometimes as thick as a mans hand , covered in canvas with iron reinforcement of iron at top and bottom , an original item has been found in Egypt.
Oval on shape , with a central boss and strength by means of pieces running both laterally and horizontally , the boss is well defined with the edging having a iron band around the edge, the shield is slight shaped with the rear having the handle in position with the wood effects being there as well as this was not covered unlike the front.

A simple oval , textured ground with no rocks , shaping for the feet and where the shield is put as well
Final Thoughts
A nice piece not too much to prep and a good subject , the shield can be painted with a motif perhaps a bull or maybe a boar , the painting offers good opportunity for all materials to be depicted . For some a litle muscular but looks good overall ...particularly the helmet .
Another nice addition to the Altores catalogue
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for the review piece
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