Hi to all,
Owing to my age, I 'm seeing many figures from the 70's, when I began to collect soldiers (and paint Historex). When the actual "ronde bosse" figures born, in the 40's, after the older flat figures, the common scale used was 54mm, so 1/32, measured at the front of the head, any cap excluded. Later on came the other scales, 70 and 75mm, 90, 120 or more, always following a parallel with anglo-american standards sizes, measured in inches, normally used in model world. Also came the 1/35, according with the tanks kits, while Historex has been considered a 1/30, even if his spare parts are generally used for the 54mm figures. The bigger scale figures are more easy to sculpt, to paint, and at last, but not least, are more welcome among the producers, because with a minimum rise of cost, they give better proceeds. Many years ago the figures having classical size 54mm, or 1/32, were Rose (does anyone remember this firm?) and Chota Sahib. Actually, all figures declared 54mm. are generally 58 or 60mm, always measuring at th head, cap excluded. Or more, in some figures I found 65mm on soldiers officially 54mm!
Some years ago the 90mm went on incredibly, for two o three years was almost the only size produced, but this fashion ended after some years, and famous firms died (Barton, Real Models,for example) for?...Cost of the kits? Space problems? I don't konw in America, but in Europe came back strongly the classic 54 (or 58). Now, is coming up the 75mm. It seems a good average size, rather big to paint it well, reasonable cost, needing a space very similar to the 54mm. And very welcome to the producers for the reasons I said above...
Best regards to all