Hi everyone!
FINISHED!!.......I am calling this one done.
Thanks to all who looked in and to those who offered advice about the face not having enough Contrast, this is something I need to work on and I hope I can improve this part of my Figure Painting in future works.
I am not happy with the Photo's, for some reason I had a h*ll of a time getting some decent pics of this Figure, but hopefully these will suffice.
It is not mounted to a proper base yet, I have to get one made up, so its just sitting on a block of wood.
I would also like to thank my friend Jim,(Sharpie95), for the Gold Printers Ink he gave me, great stuff for the buttons.
Anyway, on to some pics.....
There are a couple of tiny bits where it is mounted where I have to put a little bit of putty in, but I'll do that after, just wanted to try and get some pics sorted.
Thanks for looking guy's,