PlanetFigure Supporter
I have 600grams weight of unused metal figure bases, and I'm trying to think of a suitable recycling method for them. I don't cast my own stuff, having neither the necessary skills or facilities. As I pin my figures to a base of my own devising, the bases included with kits are usually surplus metal that could be recycled. I shudder to think how much I've chucked away over the years;--quite a lot! Do any of the manufacturers have use for them? Or do any Planeteers want some casting metal? Postage would be all that I ask for. It just struck me,as odd thoughts often do, while I was having yet another tidy-up of my "Toy Room", that there must be a fair old tonnage of surplus metal out there. And I don't mean half-done figures and GA's!
Any sensible suggestions would be welcome.