Unused metal figure bases


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PlanetFigure Supporter
Mar 19, 2014
Glemsford, Suffolk, UK
I have 600grams weight of unused metal figure bases, and I'm trying to think of a suitable recycling method for them. I don't cast my own stuff, having neither the necessary skills or facilities. As I pin my figures to a base of my own devising, the bases included with kits are usually surplus metal that could be recycled. I shudder to think how much I've chucked away over the years;--quite a lot! Do any of the manufacturers have use for them? Or do any Planeteers want some casting metal? Postage would be all that I ask for. It just struck me,as odd thoughts often do, while I was having yet another tidy-up of my "Toy Room", that there must be a fair old tonnage of surplus metal out there. And I don't mean half-done figures and GA's!:cool: Any sensible suggestions would be welcome.

Just thought about this yesterday as well, how coincidental!
Would love to be able to recycle this to anyone who can use it (for the planet and the pandas and all that). Hope there is a way. Until then, I keep the bulky parts.

I believe the problem is that every brand uses it own metal alloy and that mixing scraps from different brands together is bad for quality, but I'm not sure about that.

BTW I hate to think how much we paid for that scrap metal Alan, but that's another point. :)

On a side note, to resin casters: scrap resin bits, such as hacked off casting blocks, can be placed as filler in bulky moulds. The scrap parts float to the middle. Tried this myself many times. Saves scrap resin and freshly poured resin at the same time.

This is something I've considered before and discussed privately with other figure modellers and it's all a very good idea to recycle and I've considered many methods and schemes including charities but there is one thing that has always canned every idea.......the cost of postage and handling.
Even bringing along your own bucket loads of bases to drop off at a competition is still a difficult task.

Melt them down for sinkers and lures and go fishin'.............:cool:
A nice idea, Mark, but I've never been one for sitting on riverbanks drowning worms:meh: A shooting friend of mine,years ago, did melt some down, recasting balls for our black powder firearms. We gave up our licences years ago,having lost our shooting ground. But that's another sad story.
I'll hang on to the 'scrap' metal, something else for SWMBO to raise her lovely eyebrows at:rolleyes:
Hi Alan,
If you want to get rid of white metal, give it to Dennis or Steve Kirtley at Euro and ask them to bring it back North for me. My friend will use this by making fishing lures and weights.
Theres a guy called Stuart who runs Colonel Bill's, a shop which sell refurbished wargames figures, scenery, etc. He buys white metal scrap for recasting and I think the going rate is approx. £5.00 a kilo, or thereabouts. Try searching on the net, cos I cant remember his address!!

Hello All,
We are happy to receive any CLEAN white metal bases for our internal production process. We will only use our approved suppliers for white metal kits that we sell, but we do have a lot of older moulds that need to be test run. Some are showing signs of perishing, leaving black rubber contamination in the white metal melter pot. We can therefore use these white metal bases for test runs, thereby preserving our casting white metal free from contamination.
All reasonable postage would be paid for. Any other contemporary white metal pieces also considered, but not older pieces with possible lead contamination.
Please contact me on [email protected] if of interest.

