Upcoming releases from Ulrich Puchala


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A Fixture
Sep 19, 2005
Ulrich had some problems with his computer and had ask me if I could show here some of his new works. So here the photos and the text from Ulrich Puchala (Centauro-Line). You can contact Ulrich under his email-address [email protected] or have a look at his homepage http://www.puchala-figuren.de/


Some "german" Fraeulein

The venetian Beauty from Albrecht Duerer. The female part to escort Albrecht Duerer, they are refreshed and further a resin shooted model !

And the most beautifulest hussar of the German imperial Army. Princess Vicky as chief of the "2. Leibhusarenreg. Königin Viktoria von Preussen".

By the way I m glad to pronounce my next coming soon busts of German imperial generals (Warlords of WW I) like Crownprince Wilhelm and A.v. Mackensen and some more.
All busts of this serie will released as limited edition.
item Artno. 0005
Albrecht Duerer at 1500
scale 1:10 resin

Artno. 0019
Venetian girl at 1498

Artno. 0018
Princess Victoria-Luise
chief of 2. Leib-Husaren-Regt. Königin Viktoria von Preußen Nr.2 (Danzig/Langfuhr) XVII Armee Korps


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  • A.Duerer 04.jpg
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I'll be buying one of each these are beautiful. The Princess "Vicky" bust will look great next the Model Cellar (former Plowshare Armoury) bust of Von Mackensen that is sitting on my shelf. This is a favorite subject of mine.
Ulrich, great sculptng on all three busts and I'm sure I don't need to say which is my favorite.;) Great faces and I like the extra work done on the bases. (y)

Cheers Ken
Ulrich, I would seriously re-consider the limited release on the busts.

They are way to nice to be just limited release, they should be available to the figure public as long as they are willing to buy them.

Good luck with them.

Minuteman Models
Funny you should say that Jose, I have really strong views on the pricing of figures. They should indeed be available to the public for as long as anyone would like to buy one! Ulrich, get a new caster, you are one of the most talented men alive........but no-one can afford anything you produce!

Slowly I've been building up a collection of your 1/32nd stuff from ebay, Puchala and Peddinghaus, but I can no way afford your 120mm resins, oh well perhaps one day?

Hello gents, your post made me a little shame and let me work harder than before.
Pics can be graceless in opposit to your posts.
Thanks so lot- for your views Matthew, Roger,Carl,Jonathan, and specially Jose and Ken
( cool avatar-holy smoke).
Its a honour for me and a pleasure bread for the artist.
Like always is the price for mostly each scale 1:10 busts euro 35.-
Available I hope in 4 -6 weeks.
This pics was a quick reaction during my work on this figures, because Ken thread about the princess some days before awake me.Ideas laying in the space.
There are not finaly done. Some cleaning and correction is necessairy , pics can be graceless :).
Thanks for your marvelous idea , Jose, you have the option.
We will see.
All the best
Mr. Puchala,
This is an outstanding bust! You've captured Ms. Vicky to perfection; you would make Kaiser Wilhelm quite proud. The detail is remarkable in every facet. This bust comes alive when gazing at it.
New Releases

Ulrich ,
Great releases , though my favourite is Princess Vicky (mine is on pre order with you !!!) , I aggre with the comments about making them more available rather than limited editions .

Look forward to the next releases of the German Warlords .


Awesome work as usal Herr Ulrich.(y):)

German Warlords? WUNDERBAR:)
Mr. Puchala, I have seen you're sculptures on Albrecht Duerer & the venetian beauty. This is an outstanding creation! I may have been too rambunctious in my first comments regarding these sculptures; I was over excited seeing these fine creations. May I say, another home run, you’ve knock it out of the park. Well done!

Although, housecarl may have laughed out loud at my comments, I am very excited with your creations. Sir, forgive my over indulgence in my excitement. Your sculpture is excellent. There Mr. Housecarl, the swords are sharpened once more.
Mr. Puchala, I have seen you're sculptures on Albrecht Duerer & the venetian beauty. This is an outstanding creation. You have captured the true essence of each character in its proper style. Such detail is over whelming they come alive as you look upon each bust. Sir, Michel Angelo could have not done better!! When will the busts be available for puchase? I must have these for my collections as soon as possible. To you, Sir, Bravo!! Another masterpiece in the making! My hat is off to you!! One last comment! You Sir, are the new Rembrandt of Historical sculpting! All the best!!

I thought that Kansas Kid could talk.(y)