Update from the APG


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A Fixture
Dec 24, 2003
I’ve got some great news to share with everyone.

First. I am thrilled to announce that Mr. Sheperd Paine has agreed to join the APG as an Honorary Director and Show Chairman for the 2009 Gettysburg Show. I think everyone will agree that having Shep on board will be a huge asset to the APG in all aspects of our organization but especially with his expertise in running shows and his wide reach across the hobby. We here are very excited and happy with his participation. Welcome aboard Shep.

I was also privileged to visit with Bob Langenberg and his beautiful wife Ann this weekend in Montgomery, Alabama. Bob and Ann are the best of hosts and I enjoyed every minute of my stay. (Including the 3 lb bass I caught in Bob’s pond). While there we met with Mr Bob Bradley, Curator with the Alabama Dept of Archives and History. He took us to the repository were we viewed the flag of the 5th Alabama Bn, the focus of our 2008-2009 fundraising effort. Viewing and touching (with gloves and very, very carefully) this stained and bullet riddled banner was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Mr. Bradley also gave us a great behind the scenes tour of the archives which included the many other famous Alabama flags in their collection. Mr. Bradley, much to our surprise and great pleasure, offered to bring the flag of the 5th to the Show in Gettysburg! Mr. Bradley is a wealth of information and an excellent speaker who goes beyond any expectations in telling the story of this flag and all the flags in the repository. His presence along with the flag will be a highlight if not the highlight of the show. I can’t tell you the feeling that came over me when he made the offer. I can tell you that viewing this flag in person and listening to its story from Mr. Bradley will be a very unique and rewarding experience for everyone attending.

John Jefferies will be sending flyers to prospective vendors for the show in the next week or so. If you are a vendor I hope you will consider attending and sharing your goods with out attendees. There are some benefits for signing up early so don’t delay!

Thanks for your support!

Mike Stelzel
Hello everyone.

I have attached some pictures taken last weekend of the subject of the APG's current fund drive. Our intent is to provide the neccessary funds to the Alabama Department of Archives and History either during the Gettysburg show or very shortly thereafter. The archives have provided us a quote from the "best textile preservationist in the business". Thier quote lies between $7,500.00 to $8,500.00 depending on the specific condition of the flag and the extent to which the artifact needs treatment. I have set a fundraising goal of $10,000.00 for contingecies and in recognition of Murphy's law. Any excess money not used to conserve this flag will be used on future projects or donated to battlefield preservation.

The ultimate process that the flag will undergo is not a "restoration", to make like new; the process is conservation, to preserve and prevent additional degredation. The goal of the archive is to conserve the 5th Alabama Battallion's colors in time for the 150th anniversary of the battle of Gettysburg. At that time the Archives will exhibit the 5th Alabama Battalion and the 13th Alabama Regiment's colors (having already been conserved) together publicly for the first time since they were brigaded together for "Pickett's charge" during the battle itself. To say that the Curator, Mr. Bradley, is excited is one of the world's great understatements.

The provenance of this flag, as it relates to Gettysburg is compelling. This unit served in almost every major campain of the Army of Northern Virginia leading to Gettysburg. On the 3rd day they were the right most unit in Col Fry's 13th Alabama and were instructed to guide on Garnett's Brigade, the left most of Pickett's Brigades, and to converge on the "clump of trees" and the low stone wall at the center of Cemetery Ridge. This is the "angle" and several men of the 5th managed to cross the wall just north of Cushing's battery where Armistead died. I understand that the flag was found under or near the body of a fallen defender of the 1st Delaware. The flag eventually came into the possession of Joshua Lawrence Chaimberlan (defender of Little Round Top) The archives do not know how it came into Chaimberlan's possession. The flag remained in the possession of the Chaimberlan family until they donated the flag to the Alabama archives in 1943. It has remained in storage there since. Mr. Bradley has indicated his willingness to bring the flag to the show for display provided we can assure the incumbent security, safety and liability concerns are met.

IF you are moved to help with the conservation of this flag then I urge you to take one of the following actions.

Become a member of the APG.
Buy something from the APG store. (may I suggest a Matt Springer bust)
Write a check payable to the APG.
Sign up for and attend the APG show in August of 09.
All of the above.

It is not our intent to politicize this effort. This artifact was selected principally because it has a close tie to Gettysburg, is one of the top priorities of the Alabama Archives and is financially doable.

Please contact me or Mike Stelzel via PM with any questions or suggestions.

The photos below were taken this weekend Sept 6
Left: Dr. Bob Bradley, Curator for the Alabama Archives and myself.
Right: Myself, Mike Stelzel and Dr. Bradley who is explaining something important to two people too stunned to hear him.


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For those who are following this I thought I would add a short update. First, our fund raising efforts are well under way and are being met with moderate but steady success. I wold encourage all of you who have not already joined the APG or contributed to the flag conservation to do so. For those who have already contributed, thank you, but I have another favor to ask. Please inform any non modeling friend about this project and encourage your acquaintances to donate should they share you interest in history. The APG will soon become a recognized 501C-3 organization which will allow direct monetary donations to be tax deductible.

I have been poking around the net to get better informed about the unit who's colors we are conserving. The more I learn the more impressed I become. The 5th Alabama Battalion of Infantry was present or participated in every major engagement of the Army of Northern Virginia from 1st Manassas to Appomattox. Here are a few links to information I have found fascinating.


Thanks for your attention.
Thanks Patrick. I would like to add that the vendors are signing up quickly. If you are interested in vending at the show contact us at infomikeapg and we will get you a package. I know this is early but a deposit is enough for now to get your name on the list. Folks might also consider making reservations at the hotel as well. I have an idea the rooms will also go fast. www.wyndham.com/hotels/MDTGE/main.wnt. For more info go to artistpreservationgroup.com.

