Just finished painting this early release by Elite Miniaturas, sculpted by Raul Garcia Latorre. I swapped the head for one by Hornet - I sculpted the hair. Hope you like it!
Lovely job. Never seen this one before. I'm guessing that like a lot of the Elite 54mm range, it really is "54mm going on 1/35" (hence the Hornet head).
Lovely job. Never seen this one before. I'm guessing that like a lot of the Elite 54mm range, it really is "54mm going on 1/35" (hence the Hornet head).
Nice work, Edward - the subtle tonal variations in the different shades of olive green look great, & the addition of the Hornet head gives a lot of animation to the figure.
Nice work Edward, on a figure I'm not familiar with. Those OG fatigues are a bugger to get right colourwise. You've hit 'em spot on. The Hornet head makes it for me.