This is a very nice job! You have obviously spent a lot of time and effort on a demanding subject. The face is really beautiful with good character, something that so many sculptors seem unable to manage. Very nice.
I also like the way you redid the ammo pouches. It is very important to show the weight and shape of the magazines to make this part convincing. They were not so good the first time you did them.
One minor criticism: the top of the head is much too short. Fortunately, with the helmet on this is not noticeable. If you intend to show the figure with the helmet off then you should add some more material to the top of the head.
thanks george and mike, i am very happy with this figure, i can show all my technic over this figure, i want sculpt in the future much better than now, the head top is maked just like that for the helmet, only that.
really i am very happy with this figure. I hope that soon they enjoy it painting
more pictures
more work over the boots...
thanks for all, i am very happy with the figure, that like is great
yes this is a comercial figure, and they are that inclued two heads with the figure.
gracias erny, no veo la hora de que la pinten.