WIP Vercingetorix - my "comeback" miniature


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Here is today's update

Right arm finished, although I made define the bicep just a touch more. I also painted the shield hand, but didn't want to bother sticking on the shield for the pic.

Looking at the pic I am not entirely happy with the inner right torso so I am going to go back and have another go at it. The muscle groupings just don't look natural to me, time to study up on physique a bit more.

BTW let me know if you think the photo is over/under exposed, I am playing around with the lighting trying to dial in exposure.

If you’re looking for a six-pack reference, how about this?

Or, at the expense of this looking like a Gays’ mag, this?

Seriously, this is looking good.

Thanks for the pic Jeff, that is perfect. I can see a couple spots where I can improve this mini's physique. Too bad I couldn't fix my own with just some paint and a brush :p
Just a quick update

I defined the midriff area a bit more, and added depth to the right inner torso. I will probably play with it a bit more to smooth some of the harsher transitions out.

I am currently investigating leather and thinking of the best way to add realistic texture.

Looking really good NR. Great job on the musculature of the torso. The pics Jeff posted above must have helped... though in retrospect, I should never have posed for that pic, knowing it would eventually come back to haunt me ;) You can guess for yourself which one is me lol

Seriously though, this is shaping up nicely. I look forward to seeing how you deal with the leather and furs.

Yes, the pics helped immensely. In fact, I left the second one up on my 60" TV screen while I was painting, needless to say when my wife wandered into the room, there was a moment or two of awkward silence... then when I explained that next I had to find some pictures of bear leather, well I think she might have misunderstood :p

Of course, now that I done such fine detail work on the chest, I will have to go back and add more detail in on the face and arms. Sometimes it just doesn't pay to be perfect. Not saying I am but the facts speak for themselves :)
I think I found a good source material for the inside of the cloak. I wish I could see the grain of leather a bit better, but I know from experience that bear leather is very supple and has a fine long grain to it.

Sorry for the lack of updates, we had family visiting the last couple of days.

Here is the first pass on the bear pelt, just rough brush work so far, no detail yet.

You ever have one of those days that you think maybe you should have stayed away from the painting table because everything you paint is just not quite turning out right... this is one of those days for me.

You can judge for yourself, I started with adding some tears into the pelt, not a big deal, easy stuff, I may lighten them a bit more but they will do for now.

Then I started in on the fur on the loincloth.... oh, the fur. Of course, I can't just make it easy on myself, noooo, I want it to look realistic with variegation (I know that's specifically a botanical word but I am a trained botanist) Anyway, I am not very happy with the result right now, it just looks like a mess to my eye. Any advice is much appreciated! One thing for sure is changing the base colour to something less yellow.

Here is my reference pic

Here is today's results, I think I shall hang my head in shame for a bit and grab a pint of bitter :(


*** one hour later, take two on the fur

I hit it with a highlight of salmon rose to counter the yellow. It's looking better IMO but I will definitely need to define the details more.

The going is much better today :) After adding the detail work in the loincloth and touching up some spots here and there I am happier with the result. I started in on the back of the pelt, laying down a thin base coat. The cloak will probably take me a couple of days until I am happy with it.


I did some research into Gallic clothing and settled on orange cloth pants and blue bindings. I couldn't find much on the local clothing the Arverni would have had access to. Most is speculation and is based upon what the Celtic tribes would have been wearing at the time, which does not necessarily apply to the Gallic tribes. This was an interesting read on Celtic clothing if anyone is interested http://www.academia.edu/1488040/Cel...e_Iron_Age-_A_Very_Broad_and_Generic_Approach

This is the reference I will use for the colour of the cloth based of a iron age find in Denmark.
Thanks Maco, he is coming along nicely now.

I think I figured out why the fur was bothering me so much, it was the lack of contrast between the light and dark areas. I increase the depth of the contrast by adding more red into the light area and green into the dark, it looks much more natural now IMO. I will post another pic when the back of the pelt is done.
Back of the pelt is more or less finished. My make shift photo set up is annoying me, I can't get a good picture at all. I really can't wait to get back out into my wood shop to build myself a proper setup again. I am very pleased with the cloak IRL, but the picture just doesn't do it justice, too much yellow, not enough depth, etc. sigh...

I painted this figure myself a couple of years ago and it was a joy to paint. Hope you enjoy yours as much. Looking good so far.
I haven't abandoned this guy, just didn't have much time over the last week to paint with the whole family being home from school/work and having a large snowstorm in the mix.

The leggings are nearly finished with the banding the last to do. I had a near heart attack at a local game store where I took this guy to show off, he fell but thankfully only a small chip knocked off on the torso, so only a few brushstrokes to fix it. Guess that will teach me to show off :p

I am experimenting with my camera to take better pictures, I have to invest in some more lamps I think.
