Derek .. Thanks He's got that northern look eh? Could be from Yorkshire too
Eduardo .... Thank you!
David ... Many thanks
Marc ... Thanks Finish soon
Pedro ... Cheers mate
Carl ... Thank you! And yes just the sheer size of it kinda forced my hand :/
Tony ... Again many thanks
Work continues .... Despite spending the weekend travelling and watching Rammstein live in Birmingham
The shirt is based with English Uniform, mid is Stone Grey and High Light Flesh, then I started making it looked lived in with Lots of very thin layers of Burnt Umber and Eng. Uniform ... Still a ways to go ... Arrow is to be replaced with a made item my friend is making for me, properly fletched etc
The main figure is now assembled and just needs a bit more weathering doing .....
This is the new arrow, to scale it looks huge! I did some sums and he would have had at least 6 1/2 inches of arrow stuck in him! Horrible impact too I would imagine...