I don't get to paint as often as I used but every now and again I get to repaint one of my pieces. On this occasion I have gathered together all my old and treasured Phoenix Victorian figures with two Phoenix Hanson cabs and a couple of Andrea miniatures figures to make a Victorian street scene depicting a high street with scratch-built shops made from card and balsa.

The cobbled street is a resin piece that I painted cobble by cobble and the postbox is a made from an old gate post cut down to size. I have tried to make the two identical Hansoms look different by adding luggage racks on one and painting the horses differently. The reins are made from brown card cut to the desired width and length. All in all this took about six weeks to complete. I hope that you like it.

The cobbled street is a resin piece that I painted cobble by cobble and the postbox is a made from an old gate post cut down to size. I have tried to make the two identical Hansoms look different by adding luggage racks on one and painting the horses differently. The reins are made from brown card cut to the desired width and length. All in all this took about six weeks to complete. I hope that you like it.