Victorian shop scene


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A Fixture
Apr 16, 2011
I don't get to paint as often as I used but every now and again I get to repaint one of my pieces. On this occasion I have gathered together all my old and treasured Phoenix Victorian figures with two Phoenix Hanson cabs and a couple of Andrea miniatures figures to make a Victorian street scene depicting a high street with scratch-built shops made from card and balsa.

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The cobbled street is a resin piece that I painted cobble by cobble and the postbox is a made from an old gate post cut down to size. I have tried to make the two identical Hansoms look different by adding luggage racks on one and painting the horses differently. The reins are made from brown card cut to the desired width and length. All in all this took about six weeks to complete. I hope that you like it.
As Rob says, a really nice scene. wow those Phoenix figures bring back some memories.
Great work. (y)

Nice diorama, Jazz! I like the Phoenix figures, too, and it's always great to see them finished and used in scenes like this.
I use a number of the Victorian/Edwardian figures in my "Berlin 1910" collection, since many of the styles were common and popular across Europe. And I use the Georgian figures in my 18th century collection. The sculpting gives the figures such great expressions. And the diorama accessories are very convenient, too. I'm always amused when I see another manufacturer borrowing Phoenix items like the Georgian chairs and footstools, or the trestle tables and benches, the upholstered chairs, and so on.

Do you have more in the pipeline?

Lovely scene, I echo what people have said about it being nice to see the Pheonix figures used, they really have stood the test of time and you have really done them justice.

Cheers Simon
Thank you all very much for your kind words. As I stated I don't get to paint so much these days but when I start a project I get a bit obsessed, and that was certainly the case with this piece. And to the Baron, yes, I am in the process of repainting my Kirin 120mm Culloden Highlander. After that I think I will try to re do my model Lamborghini Countache which I've never been too happy with. If I could just find something to remove two layers of paint from plastic. Any suggestions?
Thank you all once again. You are very kind.